Will ms cause weight gain?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. It can cause various symptoms, including muscle weakness, fatigue, and difficulty walking. However, one question that many people with MS may ask is whether or not this condition can lead to weight gain.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between MS and weight gain in depth. We’ll examine how having MS might contribute to weight gain, as well as potential ways to manage weight while living with this condition.

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

Before diving into the topic of weight gain and MS specifically let’s take a quick moment to get everyone on the same page about what multiple sclerosis actually is.

MS involves inflammation in the nervous system which causes damage around areas where myelin —the “insulation” surrounding nerves— breaks down in patches causing scars/lesions known as plaques upon forming.
These lesions come from different parts of your body: brain > spinal cord > optic nerve.

This leads us onto our first myth…

Myth #1- If you have Multiple Blemishes On The Brain You Have Ms

An MRI scan checks for these lesıons / blemishing since they’re strong evidence for ms but some people misunderstand this information thinking it’s like spotty skin – COVERED DIVINE SPOTS! Actually smaller numbers of spots do not necessarily mean no ms contrary at larger than 3 fewer than 10 puts patients close/AT SAME RISK AS those with more typical looking scans

Now that we understand a bit better what MS does let’s move onto shedding some light over another possible misconception

Myth #2- All Patients With Ms Experience Weight Gain!

False! There are several factors that could influence someone who has ms gaining extra weight; mainly medication side effects combined gradual decrease in mobility due motor disturbances such as spasticity abnormal walking & Endocrine alterations seen within patients digestion systems which often become blurred due to feeling full in short periods/dislike of specific types food cravings.

What Causes Weight Gain In People With MS?

As we’ve already touched on, weight gain isn’t a universal symptom that occurs in all people with MS. However, there are several factors related to this disease which could contribute or cause someone with ms to experience extra pounds.

These include:


Many medications prescribed for multiple sclerosis may have potential side effects that can affect your appetite and metabolism.

For example, corticosteroids — a type of medication sometimes used to reduce inflammation during relapses—can increase hunger and cause water retention among users leading them toward gaining the kilos!
Another one is amitriptyline – an antidepressant used also used higher fiber diets and regular exercise towards greatly decreasing bodymass but as above gain-knowledge check drug-list.

Physical Limitations

MS affects the central nervous system resulting in various mobility issues such seizures muscle tremors spasticity etc While each patient case differs from one another majority patients report experiencing mild- severe decrease (in) physical activity/limitation This together with possible fatigue impacts /effects stamina fat-burning capabilities making it difficult maintain a healthy physical state.

Emotional Factors

Living with chronic illness can be challenging mentally/emotionally leading some individuals into looking for comfort food that makes them feel good physically/socially neglecting their diet out sheer stress-depressive mood-swings thus putting excessive kilograms onto their frame / causing obesity leading other health problems ARRRGH!

Overall interaction between these different aspects likely result metabolic alterations at least some degree when it comes managing whatever size or shape you’re seeking after diagnosis since being aware/disciplined around scheduling/sensibility lifestyle changes goes long way alongside helpful tips tricks others share across community platforms SO BE SURE TO LOOK INTO THOSE FOR HER/HISSELF pleasure 😉

How Can You Manage Your Weight With MS?

Working on self-awareness , discipline/ a plan, & receiving support make biggest difference when managing weight with MS. Furthermore, experimenting/listening to your body can be just as influential what ms could represent in one’s day-to-day activities.

Here are some tips that may help:

Follow A Balanced And Nutritious Diet

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for everyone – MSC# or not! This means you should focus on eating lean proteins, whole grains, fruits vegetables which all come nutrient-rich yet low calorie filling food items–aka no more post-crisps munchies sauce/bagel binges yay!

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity goes hand-in-hand with an excellent diet to maintain a healthy physical condition this is why making regular exercise part of daily routine allows movement energy conservation triggering mass-reductions.

It’s best speak with medical professional specialized sports rehabilitation work alongside personal trainer create tailored workout program given specific case because every ms related patients’ goals/focus areas differ immensely .

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps keep your metabolism working optimally while promoting a healthier digestive system due suppressing appetite levels keeping stomach fuller longer periods :D!

Remember it also helps drinking extra glass before during meal times aiding digestion process overall helping reducing binge cravings afterwards.

Final Thoughts

As highlighted above there are varying reasons someone living with Multiple Sclerosis might gain excessive weight. Whether medication + side effects limits mobility challenges emotional factors amongst other causes the potential harmful negative health implications become higher increasingly disproportionate over time steps must taken control better outcomes maintaining excellent understanding what actions increase / decrease risk around management key bearing good quality life.

While dealing diagnosis overwhelming prognosis impending limitations certainly sounds daunting but we hope shed light offer simple ways how lifestyle changes remove anxiety-related effects surrounding getting into shape/reclaiming lives as possible after/while diagnosis taking hold.

So our advice from us? Drink more H2O eat more veggies, pick up weight-training (controlled) do the occasional dance-break!

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