Why salt water pool over chlorine?

Have you ever wondered why some pool owners choose salt water pools over chlorine? There are several reasons for this preference, but one thing is clear: swimming in a salty pool is way better than soaking in harsh chlorinated water. You don’t need to be a marine biologist to know that salt and water go together like cheese and wine or peanut butter and jelly. If that doesn’t convince you yet, here are other compelling arguments:

The Sweet Scent of Salty Air

Do you hate the smell of chlorine in your hair, skin or nostrils after swimming? It’s not just all in your head; it’s the real deal! The ripeness of your chlorinating tablets makes it worse. On the flip side, converting your regular pool into a saltwater system leads to creating chlorine naturally through electrolysis at desirable levels only when needed.

Swimming laps will no longer be reminiscent of taking turns breathing between choking on Lysol wipes like sneezing baby pandas who rolled around in ammonia encrusted bamboo litter boxes. From now on every lap counts towards mindfulness and equilibrium with nature plus sea breeze breath emanating from your backyard oasis!

Bye-Bye Corrosion Woes

Ladders rust more quickly too when exposed continuously to chemicals such as calcium hypochlorite which increases harmful oxidation against aluminum ladders within timeframes varying significantly depending on maintenance routines followed regularly if any – whereas rust/depletion seems almost inexistent for corrosion-proof stainless steel equipment well-suited for saline environments where chemical agents pose reduced risks by default thanks largely due science & innovation breakthroughs!

Salt-water also does not cause damage/ damage extends life-span decreasing frequency necessity routine changes costly upkeep often associated standard use traditional treatments curtailed while upholding pristine conditions long term durability possible prolonged dividends add extra hours sanity peace mind.

Swimming Becomes Healthier Fun

Did you know that salt water is much healthier for your skin and can actually improve its appearance? Regularly swimming in a chlorinated pool can lead to dryness, rashes, red eyes, and even respiratory problems. In contrast, taking a dip regularly in a saline environment allows magnesium concentration which helps inflammation subside also onset issues fade.

Salt-water ionizers carry antimicrobial properties capable of eradicating harmful bacteria including algae spores before they turn murky ruining balance inviting insects or other downright disastrous events unfolding during summer festivities likely witnessed if on the receiving end one involving such situations. Under no circumstances should we let craziness take over just because we enjoy company loud music cocktails at ready beguiling fun alive!

Save Money! Salt Water Pool Lasts Longer

It’s not uncommon to hear that investing in saltwater pools requires more bucks than chlorine-treated ones. However, this statement ignores an essential part of the equation – maintenance costs. A chlorine pool may be less expensive upfront but requires frequent purchases of chemicals leading up until $800 annually on average.

Adding up over time decades effects compounded creates financial havoc: those once-alluring low installation costs quickly have lost their luster upon realization compared preventative care periodic minimal maintenance total cost ownership investment start save money convenient wise use resources plus safe all season comfortable long periods thorough enjoyment indoors outdoors leisure pursuits remain priority life entertainment unwavering thereby attaining maximum value return possible smart choice strategic planning aligned goals lifestyle acquisition decisions sustainability considerations future grows increasingly relevant around globe.

Saltwater System Is Cleaner And Safer (Especially For Children)

Chlorine has been accredited with its ability to disinfect bacteria from fluids effectively- however it does not distinguish between good sources(e.g our stomach flora)and bad germs responsible diseases being spread among us-it eliminates them all indiscriminately

Salt-water clean injects exactly proportional amounts chloride ions found naturally occurring environments where marine organisms reside. Hybrid systems now give confidence owners are inflicting no harm on family/friends ( especially children!) or relatives.

Table 1

Chlorinating tablets VS Salt-water Systems

Characteristics Chlorine Tablets Saltwater system
Cost $800/year(approx.) One-time installation expense
Effectiveness Disinfects effectively it doesn’t distinguish between the harmful and beneficial bacteria ions
found naturally occur in saline environments, like skin-friendly with magnesium-rich water./pH stability of pool- longer less recurrent treating necessary

Saline Pools Are More Environmentally Friendly

Do you want to help out the planet earth? Using salt-water generators takes account trace quantities of diluted chlorine produced time electrolysis procedure vitalizes handling waste by-products more environmentally responsibly. This generates meaningful reductions hitting our eco-footprint while simultaneously keeping sulfate levels lower increasing saline index preserving aquatic life thereby conserving electrical power consumption.

By using a low voltage conversion cycle, creating chlorate reserves dependably without depletion considerations whilst lowering load circuits required proves ecologically advantageous compared standard treatments since displaced amount energy spent shielding plants animal habitats can instead be allocated essential projects deserving additional endorsements improving common outcome humanity worldwide benefiting equally cultivating difference progress sustainable developments!


There is little comparison when considering which option–salt water pools vs. traditional chlorine pools–is better for individuals who enjoy swimming, entertaining guests in their backyard oasis camped mountain treks remote island relaxation times alike – seeing clearly regardless personal preferences goals scenarios purchasing decision process desires lined up correctly will cut back unnecessary expenses extend lifespan one’s luxurious asset opting newly revamped alternatives offering exceptional experience satisfaction unparalleled anywhere else coast underground irrespective-of preferred venue nuance consider upgrading adds significant redeemable long run rewards enjoyed entire household positively affecting well-being achieving goals ensuring quality investments altogether.

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