Why is witch hazel called witch hazel?

If you’ve ever wondered why witch hazel is called, well, witch hazel – you’re not alone. It’s an amusing name that begs the question: where did it come from? There are a few theories out there as to how this peculiar plant got its moniker.

The Legend of the “Witching Stick”

One theory has to do with early American folklore surrounding a divining rod called the “witching stick” or “divining rod”. This was used by farmers and miners in colonial times to locate water and mineral deposits underground. According to legend, these rods were made from branches of witch hazel trees (hence the connection between the plant and witches). However, there isn’t much evidence to back up this claim other than oral tradition passed down over generations.

The Medicinal Properties

Another explanation for the name has to do with witch hazel’s medicinal properties. Native Americans used a decoction made from boiling parts of the plant as a remedy for various ailments such as sore muscles, insect bites, and inflammation. European settlers later adopted this herbal medicine into their own practice. Interestingly enough, one historian notes that some early accounts refer to it simply as “wych”, which may have derived from an Old English word meaning “supple” or “bendable”.

So… Which Explanation is Correct?

I’m sorry (not really), but we can’t say for sure which explanation is correct – if either! Sometimes language evolves based on practical uses/needs while at other times we end up with words whose origins remain unclear; such is life (and language evolution).

Regardless of where its name came from though,it remains true that witch hazel continues in popularity due primarily due 🌿its use in skincare products today.”

What Is Witch Hazel Used For Today?

To give you some context, witch hazel is an astringent that can help with reducing skin inflammation and irritation. Not only does it work to remove excess oil on the surface of your skin; but it also helps to tighten pores for clear and glowing complexion.

✓ soothe razor burn or bug bites
📍soothing properties make it an effective solution against insect bites by minimizing their stinging sensation as well.
☑reduce under-eye puffiness
♀makes a good antidote against sleep deprived eyes.
♂Relief menstrual cramps

Most people probably recognize witch hazel as an ingredient in skincare products such as toners, acne treatments, and aftershaves – which are all great ways this herbal product can be used!

Final Thoughts: Where Did That Name Come From?

In conclusion, the origins of “witch hazel” continue to puzzle us even now. While some might find its name off-putting (I mean who doesn’t love witches though?), there’s no denying that this plant has amazing benefits when it comes to healthy skin! So even if we may never know exactly where the name came from…we can at least appreciate what value witch hazel brings 💪to our daily skincare routine.”

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