Why is my 5 month old baby not sleeping?

Congratulations on the arrival of your little bundle of joy! As a new parent, you’ve probably been warned about sleepless nights and difficult mornings ahead. Well, it seems like those warnings were true.

It’s perfectly normal for babies to wake up several times at night, but if your 5-month-old has become nocturnal and it’s taking a toll on you, then something might be wrong. You need some answers because no one enjoys living with a cranky messy hair-parent who hasn’t slept for months!

Is Your Baby Tired or Overtired?

Yes, there’s a difference between tiredness and overtiredness. Sometimes babies just get fussy when they’re sleepy because they crave that perfect bed-like feeling (we all can relate). Beyond that “I am sleepy” stage lies an over exhausted state that causes them discomforts or even more difficulty in sleeping long stretches again anytime soon.

So what should I do?

Try catching early signs by keeping track of their daytime naps – this will help adjust their routine daily until they figure out how much time they need to sleep each day without getting too tired so fast

Caffeine Consumption By Nursing Moms

FANTASTIC NEWS…Babies are naturally caffeine free till nursing period elapses (yes yes!). But take hand writers,…caffeine often takes longer than usual to process through the maternal body during postnatal periods (DOUBLE YES!), meaning sip after sip could leave moms susceptible to jitteriness seemingly innocent looking cups spruced up coffee mixers contain ADDED CAFFEINE Which Should Be Limitation (You are welcome).

Moreover, if your breast milk supply is low due to caffeine consumption,it’ll adversely affect baby-sleep since lack thereof would cause fussines before intense cries/Baby wakes every few hours/Irregular nap pattern/Discomfort ETC

Teething and Diapering Woes

Teeth emerging from those shaking gums can be the devil incarnate; all that uncontrollable itching, pain and discomfort😒… they cause a crimp in your little one’s sleep time. Also diaper mishaps like over-soiled or needed changes would disrupt their slumber.

Sometimes, topical numbing agents might help now let’s not go generically dishing out oral gels claimed to assist teething infants as certain components can prove injurious for them – also some babies might develop rashes because of excess use which is worse than already existing situation(If you make no sense at this point I suggest referring back to third paragraph) Use appropriate diaper sizes for safety purposes and dispose appropriately.

Generic Sleeping Habits

Every human varies on how long we each may take before settling down so goes our offsprings. Your baby could have sleeping difficulties if there are generic issues regarding temperature instability(Of both air & bed surfaces)/bright lighting/dry atmosphere — these factors just happen to contribute towards unexplained fussiness patterns or unwanted nighttime awakenings

Keeping Room Temp at 68-72°F /avoidance of harsh room ambiance/light during sleepy situations/a bathtub filled with normal water taken often prior bedtime would force relaxation

Illnesses May Trigger Sleeplessness 😔

It sucks when babes catch sickness but even better is ability in detecting early signs thus positing suitable medical attentions required (Covid please stay away🙏). Things like flu,colds come readily sadly viruses aren’t always noticeable till it hits big time causing different forms of illnesses depending on its virulence level: Gastrointestinal upset/acid reflux/chest infections/nasal congestion et cetera These effects eventually lead smart students deciding between “Sleep Time” VS “Not Getting Enough Air”

Keep tabs while symptoms arise an Medical specialist should be visited regularly

I have not slept for days and I think it’s affecting my baby

There are moments when the shoe fits… where in turn parents neglect their sleep time as they cater tirelessly to bitty ones without minding its adverse effect on our health. Thus,It’s important to take care of ourselves so we can better take care of them.It would be wise to ask for help once a while from those around you (Mom,dad,babysitters, cousin/other loved ones) Remember Sometimes too much is too soon!!!


Congrats again on bringing another soul into this world! Sleeplessness definitely takes tolls but never forget what good products took place before little one arrived🤷‍♀️- Rest that body,you deserve your own beauty rest(SAY IT LOUDER!!!!). Likely reasons exist which unearth possible plan/solution whichever One fits Best. Time,Baby growth(Don’t rush though),Patience ,Love all gotcha back Till The End

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