Why does my throat hurt after smoking a cigarette?

Smoking has always been considered one of the coolest and most rebellious things to do but little do people know about the repercussions it carries, not only for your lungs but also for your throat. After inhaling that sweet, sweet tobacco smoke from your cigarette, did you ever wonder why your throat feels like Satan himself snuck in and used it as his personal punching bag? Well fret not (unless you’re an advanced smoker), because we’re here to break down the science behind why exactly our throats hurt after lighting up.

What’s happening inside?

Before getting into how cigarettes harm your throat’s health let’s understand what goes on inside when we take a puff. Each puff introduces harmful chemicals such as nicotine, carbon monoxide and many more toxins which travel down through our mouth to reach lungs doing irreversible damage on their way. Alongside this noxious substance comes heat which can cause immense irritation at different points within those organs.

The anatomy of the Throat

We all have learned about the basic structure of Throat during elementary school biology class but just a quick revision;
The human throat is divided into three sections:
– Nasopharynx
– Oropharynx
– Laryngopharynx

Each part contains our much-needed larynx or voice box through which air passes while speaking; epiglottis flap that protects food being swallowed mistakenly into lung pathway; tonsils filters pathogens & dust particles and vocal cords responsible for producing sound waves while speaking.

Now with an overview of throat function let’s step towards its effects by smoking behaviour!

The lowdown

Cigarette Smoke Irritates Your Throat

This is something smokers might know too well if they have smoked even once in their lives – coming back coughing from every drag taken! Not only does this bad habit release harmful chemicals into your airways, but the thermic heat from the smoke negatively affects aspects of our throat which can result in a tickle, soreness or even inflammation.

It causes dryness to occur

We all know about dehydration right? It is vital for our bodies to be adequately hydrated but what about dehydration specifically happening in your windpipe after smoking? Each puff you eagerly go for introduces warmth onto that critical area and takes away moisture in return shrinking it on each exhale making it feel dryer than Sahara desert.

Chemical Reactions

Our throats are sensitive organs capable of picking up minute signals present around us hence when they come into contact with tobacco smoke – well let’s say any gentle communication goes out of context! Certain compounds found within ‘tobacco’ like formaldehyde cause severe reactions with tissues lining the throat. The long-term effects include pharyngitis (inflamed throat), stubborn coughs, difficulty swallowing food etc.

Possible Remedies?

After exploring causes thoroughly though not completely we can’t just leave smokers hanging high & dry especially if they literally hung their lungs too far as well. So here some uncomplementary remedies may briefly work;

  • Drink Water: As mentioned repeatedly dehydration caused by cigarettes leads to more exacerbation thus having a water bottle handy helps keep hydrated alleviating most issues.

  • Warming Tea: Warm liquids tend to have similar therapeutic impact on body as warm towels. Hence gargling salt-water mixed tea bags dissolves pathogen present forms coating over affected areas giving relief.

  • Give them Rest: Remaining silent without speaking putting nothing passing through systems rested combined together works better for quicker healing process.

Stop Smoking

While this might seem obvious and not like much help included in this list but trust us there is no better remedy than leaving these pleasurable things aside permanently improving health status drastically!

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees that these remedies will cure or relieve all the symptoms accompanied by smoking cigarette. If pain prolongs it’s highly suggested to consult health care professional.

Stop indulging before your throat starts engaging!

It is crucial for each one of us to take a step back and realize just how harmful smoking can be not only for ourselves but also as secondary smokers (don’t even get me started on third-hand smoke). We have so many available resources at our fingertips in this day and age, there is really no excuse not to try some of them out if you’re struggling with quitting! Don’t let hitting up a toxic chemical cycle become an everyday routine, instead engage yourself into various activities such as exercising more or picking up hobbies doing something creative, staying connected with people around you or even exploring new food joints because good company won’t leave nasty after-effects.

“One Cigarette takes 5 Minutes off Your Life

                        60 Euro per Pack - What Price Will You Pay?"

Stay informed. Stay healthy. Stay alive.

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