Why does my stomach rumble before diarrhea?

We’ve all been there – you’re going through your day when suddenly your stomach lets out an ominous growl, signaling that trouble is on the horizon. And sure enough, within a few minutes or hours, you find yourself running to the bathroom with diarrhea.

So what’s causing this mysterious rumbling? Is it your body’s way of warning you about impending digestive doom? Or is it simply a byproduct of the chaos happening in your gut? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the science behind stomach rumbles and their relationship with diarrhea (exciting stuff, we know).

What are stomach rumbles (and why do they happen)?

Before we can answer our burning question about stomach rumbles and diarrhea, let’s first take a look at what these pesky noises actually are.

Stomach rumbles (also known as borborygmi) are those gurgling sounds that come from our abdomen when our intestines contract and move gas and liquid around. Basically, whenever something makes its way through our digestive system – whether it’s food digesting or waste moving toward…well…the exit – our intestines will squeeze to push everything along. This squeezing creates waves of pressure that move air and fluid around in different directions. When these waves reach areas of mostly-dry organs or gas-filled spaces in between them (think empty space between an organ and bowel), it causes vibration which produce sound like roar/roll/almighty cracking!

Most people notice borborygmi most often when they haven’t eaten anything for a while because intestinal contractions become louder due to lack off dampening effect caused by food & giving more attention at such occasions. That “empty” sound can be heard mile away! However during digestion borborygmus still happens constantly but muffled by the solid present then.

Why does diarrhea follow stomach rumbles?

Now that we know what borborygmi are, it’s time to talk about their relationship with diarrhea. After all, it seems like too much of a coincidence that one would often lead to the other – so what gives?

There are actually a few different reasons why rumbling stomachs and loose stools might be linked:

Overactive Intestines

Our intestines can set into overdrive due to intestinal infections in order to remove offending pathogen out quickly. The infection is usually along with gas production by bacteria which then create nerve stimulation/activation/intestinal movement (Also water in excess is pulled down by those electrolytes & causing urgent need/cramping). When this happens, our intestines will try extra hard push things along as fast as possible – causing more frequent and forceful contractions.

These rapid-fire contractions don’t leave much time for food & water absorption to take place or allowing for fermentation…(putting smile on microbiome’s faces) and therefore lessens the normal amount feces viscosity/composition resulting watery poop .

So if you’re experiencing particularly strong or persistent borborygmi followed by diarrhea,it could indicate an issue caused by either an infection or bacterial imbalance … Yay!


It’s not just physical factors that can cause your guts go wild.Upstairs/Brain impairments also contribute! Anxiety is infamous for wreaking havoc on digestive system – think losing appetite altogether or feeling nauseous/stomach tied up in knots . In some cases though anxiety makes the intestine contract frequently rather than relax.(Why let brain have all fun?). This increased muscular activity causes more intense borborygmus, before emptying out without proper breakdown causing runny stool consistency from undigested bits.

Lactose intolerance/Giardia etc.

Aside from an overactive gut/anxiety there exist various conditions which cause gut irritation like lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is the body’s inability to completely digest milk sugars ( lactose). Combination of GI symptoms e.g. nausea, cramps,bloating, gas as well as watery diarrhea associated with borborygmus (from increased bacterial intake during fermentation) might be developed after consume dairy products!

Giardia another culprit causes diarrhea by attaching to and damaging the walls of intestines decreases/depletes absorptive capacity! More liquids/water pulls electrolytes from bloodstream causing bowel discomfort & a runny discharge.


Lastly, it should be mentioned that sometimes stomach rumbles are just plain old-fashioned hunger pains – a signal that our body needs more nutrients because bellies emptiness signals its time for food (useful metaphor).

Can you do anything about it?

If your stomach rumblings are accompanied by diarrhea or an upset in digestion, here are some things you can try:

Avoid Certain Foods

Limiting high-fat foods(expedite intestinal transit), artificial sweeteners/sugar alcohols(frustrate nutrient uptake through their sorbitol/maltitol…. content ),and caffeine may all help decrease borborygmi-related symptoms.Or just paying attention what food could possibly triggered this such reaction!

It’s important though not make sudden big changes to one’s everyday diet changing fiber in abrupt manner(could distress bacteria affecting normal fermentation and result in gas/flatulence…) prevent constipation/”bowel arrest”.

Eat Regularly(or taking appropriate antiacid)

Eating on regular intervals keep aliment tract busy even if its snack(single-bowl oatmeal) rather than meal-sized portion.(S)(Z) It helps lessens anxiety/stress response,stabilizing nutrient supply.
Also worth noting Antiacids drugs frequency efficient handling gastric space invaders.Different types woking on different pH ranges neutralizing some acid to protect sensitive gut lining,neutralizing additional feeling of cramps,burning/stomach pain before they move into an overdrive.Basically a win-win solution.

Reduce Stress

Yes, easier said than done but it worth a try. Practice deep breathing,meditation or listen to calming music whichever you manage.Plus,it help body focus on healing process so anywhere one can create calmness is important.


Borborygmi and diarrhea are unfortunately more connected that we’d like – often signaling digestive issues caused by infections,stress/anxiety,hunger/malnutrition. Limiting certain food intake & avoiding triggers could circumvent the situation. In situation weight loss,anemia (iron deficiency!), dehydration causes cumulative symptoms consulting doctor its best option!

Next time your stomach growls unreasonably loud or you feel sadder than usual… go get something to eat /relax(really which in life cant be solved by these two wonderful options?)!

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