Why does my pee come out in different directions?

If you’re anything like me, then at some point in your life you’ve found yourself standing over a toilet wondering why in the world your pee is going all over the place. It’s frustrating and kind of embarrassing (especially if someone else has to use the same bathroom after you), but don’t worry my friend, we’re here to help!

Anatomy Lesson: The Urethra

Before we dive into why this happens, let’s talk about how it happens. Your urine exits your body through a tube called the urethra. This little guy has two sphincters that control when urine can pass through – one near your bladder and another near the exit.

The Inner Sphincter

The inner sphincter closer to your bladder is involuntary which means you can’t control it. It opens when there’s enough pressure built up from inside the bladder forcing urine outwards.

The Outer Sphincter

The outer sphincter on the other hand is voluntary meaning you have control over it consciously. By tightening or relaxing certain muscles, you can open or close off this little guy whenever you need to go pee.

So what does any of this have to do with our original question? Well…

Drinking Etiquette 101: Aim High… Or Low?

Believe it or not, where you aim when peeing actually matters! If you decide to aim low for example (this goes out primarily for guys), then according Newtonian physics principles known as surface tension and fluid dynamics (I’m fancy I know!), small amounts of liquid will cling together causing lots of mini-substreams giving rise to multiple ejaculations- Sorry streams!

However should your pee meet obstacles along its wild journey flowing high up into space towards infinity and beyond!… okay fine maybe not that high, but towards a higher angle, then there’s less chance for multiple streams to occur. Why is that? One big stream has more momentum than many smaller ones! Physics in action!

Anatomical Barriers

It’s not just aim though – certain anatomical barriers can also cause your pee to scatter all over the place. For example, if you have foreskin or labia (I’m sorry guys but it’s true), they can trap urine droplets and then lead them astray as soon we let go of our majestic wands.

The Urge: Holding It In Is Not A Good Idea.

Fight through the urge. Whenever you feel like peeing, don’t hold it in for too long, especially if what you want to avoid is having different directions when urinating. Sometimes retention caused by regularly holding may injure the urethra(particularly its muscles) which may cause more difficulties with peeing consistently in one direction when it eventually comes out.

Another reason why holding it might result in spray-like streams could be due to several reasons:

  • Enlarged Prostate
  • Bladder Problems
  • Pelvic Floor Weakness

Keeping Things Flowing: Staying Hydrated

Keeping yourself hydrated is essential not only for general functionality of body processes but also for avoiding any abnormalities when passing urine such as burnings sensations etc.
Also Ensuring daily recommended intake helps reduce an increase in waste concentration making sure those sphincters aren’t trying too hard at once causing us all sorts of problems!

Time To Hit The Doctor?

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to help fix this problem with inconsistent steam flow; such as peeing into corners of toilets now just hoping no splash backs on your pants ;-( maybe just try contacting a healthcare professional who would better examine and profer recommendations/ prescription(s).

Sometimes urinary tract infections or other medical conditions can lead to streaming malfunctions as a side effect. It might be embarrassing to talk about, but trust me – your doctor has heard it all before!


All joking aside, having inconsistent pee streams is a common problem that many people deal with. While sometimes the cause might just be as simple like not aiming high enough or staying hydrated enough, sometimes there are underlying factors at play that you need professional help for.

So next time you’re standing over the toilet and feeling frustrated by your uncontrollable bodily functions (we’ve all been there), remember this article and make sure you take care of yourself!

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