Why does my neck hurt when i turn it?

Have you ever experienced that sharp pain in your neck when you try to turn it? Or does the stiffness make you feel like a robot from an old sci-fi movie? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Neck pain can be pesky and uncomfortable, but have no fear because we are going to delve into all the reasons why it happens and some natural remedies for relief.

What is neck pain?

Before we dive into why neck pains occur, let’s define what exactly is happening within your body. The neck consists of seven small vertebrae that start at the base of the skull and end at the upper thoracic spine. These vertebrae are responsible for supporting your head, which weighs about 11 pounds on average(yes, even bigger if you’ve got that fivehead). Neck muscles also help in supporting our head movement. Pain occurs when something goes awry with these bones or soft tissues surrounding them.

Reasons for Neck Pains

There could be several reasons why one experiences a crick in their neck when turning it suddenly:

  1. Poor Sleep Positions – Improper sleeping positions can cause unnecessary strain or twisting in our bodies leading to tension headaches, shoulder tightness & soreness while looking like this \s
  2. Injuries– Any injury caused by whiplash during sports or car accidents; falling down stairs; overexerting yourself beyond limits will result in neck stiffening.
  3. Osteoarthritis – This type of arthritis causes inflammation/narrowing/excessive fragments between joint cartilages resulting after recurring wear/tear process so commonly observed amongst older people(like my grandma who always complains about how she has more diseases than candles on her birthday cake🎂)😅
  4. Pinched Nerve(s) – Pinched nerves occur when bone or soft tissue like a tendon/ligament presses against/near your nerves, leading to sharp radiating pain that feels a lot like getting bitten by cousin’s 5-year-old dog who doesn’t understand his strength.
  5. Wrong Posture – Are you someone who spends their entire day hunched over the computer screen? If so, this could lead to you developing stiffness in your neck and shoulders.

Relief for Neck Pains

Thankfully there are some home remedies one can do to help alleviate the discomfort caused by neck pains:


Gently stretching your neck from side-to-side & back-and-forth daily should be part of our routine as it helps decrease tension build up while increasing flexibility. Follow these steps for best results:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Place both hands behind head interlocking fingers leaving it rested lightly
  3. Slowly move chin down towards chest
  4. Hold the position for around 15-30 seconds before releasing and tilting head sideways(Tip: if feeling lazy just sit on edge of bed)
Type of Stretch Steps
Flexion Exercises (Chin-to-Chest) Stand straight then put both hand at back; slowly move chin towards chest hold till feel slight stretch
Extension Exercises (Looking Up) Look straight ahead then place both palms at lower back; gently lean backwards towards floor until mild strain felt
Lateral Flexion Exercise (Leaning Side To Side) Pick any corner available(corners never go outta style), Stand facing either wall fondly(coz walls don’t hit back😉); Now slightly lean head towards top side’s wall

Keep Active

Exercises that involve more movement than sitting can aid immensely in reducing tightness/soreness between joints, keep us supple rather than turning into robots. Try these out for satisfaction guaranteed:

  1. Go Swimming (my favorite): Water-based activities are gentle on joints & the anti-gravity properties of water can reduce load-bearing forces exerted on your neck.
  2. Dabble In Yoga or Pilates – Offering Zero harsh impacts and super comfy stretches, makes it a fun way to introduce flexibility into one’s routine
  3. Walk Frequently- Yes! Even 10-minute walk after lunch/coffee breaks is helpful in preventing our body from locking up due to stagnation.

Hot/Cold Therapy

This method aims to lessen pain by either promoting increased blood flow and relaxation of some stiff muscles through heat OR numbing an irritated/damaged area(through cold pack) that helps relieve sharp pain sensations temporarily while the underlying injury heals.

For better results suggest alternating between hot/cold compresses during acute phases(I.e when you experience terrible crick), then diving deeper into Whirlpool(Naaah Just kidding😁).


In conclusion, Neck pains may be common but can be relieved if prevention methods such as good posture, taking adequate exercise regularly were followed seriously along with early techniques went there’s any discomfort like above home remedies mentioned hence caring for our body doesn’t come at a cost only neglect towards it does (Ahgrrr….Warning Alert! 👀now I sound all philosophical.(Rock On Psycho)). But jokes aside (or laughter left behind?), don’t let that pesky crick in your neck get you down; follow these simple steps and feel free like a 🦅 soaring high after-all overcoming stress/pain should probably turn us into SUPERHERO(s) And That’s Something Worth Fighting For 💪🏼

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