Why does birth control cause acne?

If you have ever been on birth control, there is a high probability that you have experienced the dreaded side effect of acne. You might wonder why this happens despite trying all sorts of face oils and scrubs with no luck. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back! In this article, we’ll discuss why exactly birth control can cause acne and what you can do about it.

Hormones: The Culprit

The primary reason for acne caused by birth control is hormones. Birth control pills are composed of synthetic hormones such as progestin and estrogen or sometimes only progesterone-based products (which great news for people who hate juggling multiple options typically required to prevent pregnancy)! These hormonal changes alter the state of sebum (oil) production in our skin cells which lead to an overgrowth of bacteria, clogging pores causing inflammation and red pimples.

Progesterone-Dominant Pills – What’s Going On?

Progesterone-dominant pills are known as mini-pill types (pearly pill), or Depo-Provera shot types usually contain norethindrone-like substances responsible for blocking ovulation while simultaneously thickening cervical mucus making it difficult for sperm cells to reach unfertilized eggs. Unfortunately, these actions come at a price – blocked glands that produce oil called sebaceous gland hyperplasia generate unfortunate bumps beneath your skin. To make things worse, the keratin-filled plugs affect how efficiently dead skin cells shed from follicles promoting bacterial growth (yuck).

Androgenetics – A Game Changer

Apart from contraception duties fulfilled by combination-type oral contraceptives incorporating both estrogen & progestin components also allow anti-acne benefits but may not always be successful depending on individual hormone levels (why isn’t life just straightforward?) As humans grow older along with varying lifestyle choices; an excess in androgen (sex hormones) levels can spike oil production stimulating acne. Contraceptive brands such as Estrostep, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Yaz make use of low-dose estrogen well-harmonized to norgestimate or drospirenone cutting back sebum overproduction combating oily skin.

Hormonal Imbalance

A hormonal imbalance can trigger more severe breakouts than occasional blemishes onto the skin; high testosterone causes a visible thickening of facial hair which rubs on pores causing aggravated inflammation that provokes pustules treated by topical medications i.e., benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid. Additionally, polycystic ovarian syndrome disrupts hormonal balances seen with insulin resistance overlaying physiological stress manifesting into persistent acne around jawline/chin areas affecting many women (life is misery!).

Progestin & Acne – A Link?

Progestin-based oral contraceptives remain notorious for unintentionally encouraging pimples due to their synthetic progesterone-like properties interrupting typical functions causing cell changes in line with decreased natural progesterone related side-effects found with menstrual cycles termed ‘hormonal migraines’ and some types like Levonorgestrel create a reduction in SHBG proteins responsible for binding hormones–causing fluctuation and yielding bumpy changes on skin surfaces.

What Can You Do About It?

Despite previously highlighting various reasons why birth control leads to upsetting acne-prone flare-ups “not all hope is lost!”…. Several solutions provide relief from these symptoms depending on personal preference including:

1.Topical Treatments

  • Benzoyl Peroxide: Assists killing bacteria lodged inside pores effective as short-term action
  • Niacinamide Serum: Regulates oil secretion through active ingredient niacinamide keeping sebum formation at bay whilst simultaneously minimizing inflammation.
  • Salicylic Acid: An oil-soluble acid better suited to penetrate pores proficiently promoting unclogging, fading pigmentation and flare reduction.

2.Lifestyle Changes

  • Sleep Quality: Recharge your batteries with a sound sleep pattern. Ensure that you get at least 7 hours of rest; this will eliminate fatigue reducing stress levels (more beauty sleep, more great skin – it’s like hitting the jackpot!).
  • Balanced Diet: Incorporate a nutritious meal plan filled with colorful veggies & fruits Vitamin A found in sweet potatoes and spinach effective for proper sebum regulation combating acne-related inflammation.
  • Reducing Stress Levels: Cortisol (stress hormone) increases endorphin production raising sebum development leaves pores clogged leading to increased breakout frequency which can be combatted by regular exercise or meditation practices (trust us on this one)!

3.Oral Medications

Consultation with a physician is necessary before administering oral drugs as they may lead to adverse effects:

  • Retinoids – Common retinoid products containing tretinoin target receptors within follicles precursors for breaking down components responsible for pimples fighting lines/wrinkles simultaneously
  • Spironolactone – Approved medication initially used as blood pressure regulator contains anti-androgen characteristics meaning intensity-reducing hormones permeating testosterone levels specifically beneficial towards excessive hair growth paired alongside prescription pills having low estrogen concentrations combatting blackhead relapses

Final Thoughts

Feeling frustrated about birth control worsening already existing acne-prone skin isn’t something unexpected! However, taking heed of all treatments mentioned above along with minimal side-effect-causing contraception alternatives specific to accommodating personal best fit can lead achievable outcomes. Remember never compromise sensitivity due to the uncomfortable nature of persisting flare-ups yielding confidence self-love are priorities more valuable than temporary breakouts giving you full power over flawlessly glowing skin (yeah baby!).

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