Why do i have heart palpitations and shortness of breath?

Have you ever experienced sudden heart palpitations and shortness of breath that made you feel like an exhausted hamster running on a wheel? If yes, don’t panic! You are not alone. These symptoms can occur due to various reasons that we will explore in this article. But before diving into the causes, let’s understand what heart palpitations and shortness of breath mean.

Understanding Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitation is a feeling where your heart suddenly starts beating faster or irregularly for no apparent reason. It might feel like a missed beat or pounding in your chest. Sometimes it can cause dizziness or lightheadedness as well.

Getting to Know Dyspnea

Shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea (you’re welcome for teaching you something new!), happens when one feels difficulty breathing out normally or taking in enough air while inhaling. Often people describe it as feeling like they are suffocating or not getting enough oxygen.

Now that we know the meaning let’s look at the reasons why someone might experience these symptoms together.

Overexertion – Do slow down Usain Bolt!

The most common cause is overexertion during physical activities such as exercising, running marathons etcetera which causes increase demand for oxygenated blood from the working muscles leading to increased breathing rate causing shorness of breath and possibly even palptiations since all our organs need good gas exchange including those big muscles pumping away when we work-out
So next time take it easy buddy!

Anxiety attacks – Don’t Panic!

Do your palms start sweating just by hearing about presentations? Or worse still while giving them do your knees turn rubbery ? Apart from being embarrasing sometimes anxiety can result in relatively harmless but scary sensations such as trembling hands, racing pulse or palpitations, and difficulty breathing. Ridiculous right? Just the mere act of talking in front of others! Keep Calm and carry on – your life does not depend on this presentation.

Substances that can cause Heart Palpitations

Are you someone who can’t function without their morning caffeine fix or drown themselves in excessive alcohol every weekend till they forget Monday blues is around the corner?
Well, both these substances are known to trigger heart palpitation episodes & increase those “butterflies in stomach” type sensations.
So lay off pounding back those energy drinks if you want a normal heart rate.

Medication Side Effects Is Your Heart whispering ‘help me’ ?

Believe it or not, the medications we consume for various health issues could be responsible too! Certain drugs from over-the-counter ones like decongestant which contain (pseudo)-ephedrine to prescription ones for thyroid problem if taken more than necessary may lead to irregular heartbeat patterns in some individuals leaving them feeling shortness of breath as well.
Moral here: Don’t just prescribe yourself medical stuff without consulting with an actual physician.

Cardiac conditions – The most serious reason!

Lastly what any sane medical practitioner would tell- make sure there isn’t anything awry happening with your heart because cardiac arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation (abnormal electrical rhythm originating inside one chamber) can happen due to congenital anomalies (something you were born with), stress-induce diseases or overt structural damage inflicted usually via history of prior surgeries/trauma. Similar symptoms will probably be present so don’t dilly-dally and go get checked by a professional pronto!

With all said and done now you know pretty much everything that causes sudden racing heartbeat combined with shortness of breath. Remember always seek help from professionals when required but otherwise… breathe easy amigos!

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