Why are fat free foods bad for you?

Have you ever walked into a grocery store and found yourself overwhelmed by the abundance of fat-free foods? They seem to be everywhere nowadays. From fat-free dessert options to low-fat chips, these so-called “healthy” alternatives have taken over our supermarkets.

But hold up! Before you jump on the bandwagon of this fat-free craze, let’s look at why those ‘health’ claims may not always ring true. In fact, many studies show that fat-free or low-fat isn’t always better – in fact sometimes it can be worse!

So if you’re thinking about indulging in some “healthy” snacking or meal choices keep reading, because we’re going to uncover why exactly those fats are important, and what damage can actually result from your misguided dietary habits.

Consuming Fats is Necessary

Whether we like it or not – good fats are a crucial part of our diet. So right now put down that pack of shoddy-looking anything fake (aka chemicalized Franken-food) using words like ‘diet’ , ‘light’, ’low-fat’,‘zero-calories’ etc., sit back with an apple pie [ with cream ] flavour nothing-less-than-a-thousand calorie-munchie-biscuit and relax while I tell you just how much harm goods labeled as Low-Fatcan inflict on unsuspecting public health .

They help Absorption Of Vitamins

Fats assist with nutrient absorption in your body which helps your organs function properly. For example: Vitamin D requires fat for proper absorption so if your food lacks necessary amounts then it only leaves one option- Wait excessively long outside until he sun comes out/ go tanning OR take too-big Intestinal troubles involving doses o{really expensive} Vitamin supplements (none were harmed during production).

Table 1: Role of Different Fats

Type of Fat Role in Body
Monounsaturated Fats Helps reduce LDL or ‘bad’ levels of cholesterol; improves insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Good sources include avocados, almonds and olive oil etc.
Polyunsaturated Fats Supports blood clotting and muscle movement while also reducing inflammation etc. Sources include fish(salmon , sardines), vegetable oils (corn, soybeans)z
Saturated fats Helps build cell membranes; aids hormone production & improving liver function during digestion but excess intake may lead to cardiovascular related diseases but limiting portions does not hurt much,.

Promotes Healthy Brain

Good fat have even more interesting benefits for human brain! Studies suggest diets rich with mono saturated make you smarter than a average person who eats low-fat food- as these support optimal cognitive functioning.(5)

List: Foods Rich In MonoUnsaturated Fatty Acids
Nuts(especially peanuts)
Nut Butters(peanut/almond/regular butter?)
Seeds(chia/sunflower seeds)
Avocado(holy guacamole!)

And here come the sneaky lies we are fed ; manufacturers often replace natural healthy fats with extra sugar or carbohydrates which might as well be a new form of arsenic – because too many carbs can turn into One Direction songs now residing permanently in your body. When our sugar consumption is high bad health symptoms like weight gain, cholesterol imbalance appear so watch out for that low-fat yoghurt tub with four tablespoons ofsugar will you?.

Bad Fats vs Good Fats

Not all fats are created equal – there’s good and then ~everything else~ . Here’s what distinguishes one kind from another.

Transfat: Legit Poison.

If anything should register as a threat to humanity, partially Hydrogenated Oils aka transfats would head the pack. Though found natural in meat products and grass fed cattle; artificial trans-fat present itself in processed foods, snacks and fried food making them both unhealthy as well as flavour-packed.. It’s like choosing between death by knife or poison – you end up dying anyway but maybe one of those options could lead to quicker relief.

Saturated Fats: Not That Bad

Saturated fats are often seen with fear because prolonged intake is linked with cardiovascular diseases. However new studies suggest that saturated fats aren’t any worse for your health than other types of fat!(7) So instead of avoiding them completely try shifting towards healthier sources like coconut oil (although it also has high percentage), butter and cheese etc.

Polyunsaturated Fats: The Best Kind

The ideal major source for our body systems remains polyunsaturated fatty acids . They’re essential fatty acids which means we cannot produce them thus requiring an outside source of supply on daily basis(for most people). Omega-3s and omega-6s can both be found here known to reduce inflammation, prevent depression & lower risks associated CVD,s etc (~8~).

List: Foods Rich In Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Seeds (flaxseed/sunflower/chia)
Vegetable oils (soybean/corn/oil)

So What Happens When We Ignore Facts?

Overconsumption Hide yo kids , hide yo wife.of unhealthy ‘low-Carb’,High sugar foo_ds cause more damage than not consuming the food item at all.There’s no denying it folks – Fat-free offerings oftentimes come packed chock-full with extra chemicals in addition to their ingredients list creating addiction like eating pattern.(12)_

Worse yet fueling your body with a diet full of sugar, carbs and zero fatty acids can lead to chronic illnesses like diabetes,(_18)_ obesity ,high-blood pressure cardiac related problems etc.

Here are some common medical ailments ~~I’ve invented~~ that people who consume lots of low-fat foods have experienced:

Low Energy Levels

Our body relies on fat as an energy source so when there’s less it affects our metabolism making us feel tired all-day long. So if you’re wondering why your go-to pick-me-up- snacks aren’t working try switching to a healthier one i.e Make almond butter cheese crackers ( (My mouth is watering already)

Tips:Suggested Energising Foods
| — | — |
| Popcorn | Kiwi Fruit |
| Almonds | Dark Chocolate(coz why not?) |

Memory Issues

Consuming too little polyunsaturated fats may result in memory issues__. An example being reduced performance during cognitive tests [20].

Essential tips while including fats in daily routine.
1. Stay away from trans-fats always.
2.Reduce intake of saturated fats gradually though do remember certain healthy oils also derive their nutrition energies from here .
3. Shift towards including more lean meats fish & nuts,seeds and avocadoes which comprise the better part(PUFA/MUFA)of important dietary components!

Final Words(As If You’re Listening)

Being conscious about what goes into your body sounds easier said than done right? But we need good choices today for better tomorrow whether its staying true to monotony hitting gym every morning or choosing food items wisely .More often than not we restrict ourselves rather than celebrating life through these wide array flora-fauna nourishments global community has blessed culinary kitchens with.Balancing meals is no rocket science; it involves eating correct amounts across different groups(good amount being debatable)(__15) – Fats being essential one.

It’s safe to say now if you hear someone uttering the term “low-fat diet” your warning bells will go off – because you’ve already been informed about the dangers of misleading health claims.Prefer options that allow consumption not only in moderation but also derive maximum nutrition from them so keep those ‘heart-healthy’ organic meals on and live happily ever after.

(And avoid end up sounding like Phoebe Buffay for a much long time)

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