Why am i feeling bloated and tired?

Are you feeling like a puffy marshmallow on a hot summer day, struggling to keep your eyes open even after three cups of coffee? Do you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck every time you wake up in the morning? Well, my friend, welcome to the club! In this article, we’ll explore some possible causes of that bloated and tired sensation that has taken over every inch of your body.

Let’s talk about bloating

Bloating is when your belly feels inflated or full after eating. Many things can cause it: from gas buildup in the gut to water retention or constipation. Here are some fancy terms for those problems:


Yes, my dear reader, farting. Everyone does it – no shame here. But sometimes excessive flatulence might be caused by certain foods rich in carbs and sugars (we’re looking at you beans and lentils), swallowing too much air while chewing gum or chit-chatting non-stop with that one coworker who never stops talking – know any?
In rare cases flatulence may signify a serious health issue such as lactose intolerance.

Water retention

We all love hydrated skin but retaining too much H2O can make us resemble actual water balloons. This could be due to high salt intake (get ready for our next subheading) , pregnancy, pre-menstruation syndrome or other underlying conditions.


Feeling stuck? We know how uncomfortable this situation is. When waste moves slowly through your colon if moved at all- swelling occurs leading you to feel bloated; however consistent chronic constipation may be an indicator for more severe issues which should visit medical provider.

Tackling fatigue

Now let’s concern ourselves with the topic of being sleepy—why do we always seem so exhausted?

High sodium level

High sodium levels could be the root cause of your tiredness. Consuming lots of salt leads you to feel like a human water balloon whilst also causing fatigue and drowsiness by raising blood pressure.

Lack of iron in diet

Iron is crucial for carrying oxygen around our bodies through hemoglobin – ensuring that we can perform task which require mental or physical energy with ease! Struggles integrating iron into diets usually result in anemia though some people simply do not intake enough Iron.

Skimped on sleep

Often throwing caution to wind, most individuals forget the simplest logic behind feeling tired- insufficient rest. Sleep duration guides suggest at least 7 hours per night are required for dormancy; subjectively this number may vary dependent upon person so determine what amount works best and practice (!) makes perfect.

Now you might think “oh boy, I have all these symptoms… am I doomed?”. Not necessarily— read on for tips on how to alleviate your discomfort.

Solutions time

takes a deep breath

Let’s do this!

Battle bloating with food changes :

In order to avoid gassiness and increase digestion capability :

  • Try consuming more fruits specifically pineapple or papaya as they contain enzymes that help reduce bloating !
  • Try reducing flatulence-inducing foods from diet e.g fried items
  • Be mindful about chewing in tiny bites starting from sides

Bust lethargy by modifying lifestyle :

If slogging through trying new diets isn’t up your alley but still want recharging then opt towards following these steps:

  • Spend more time outdoors if possible (vitamin D)
  • Limit alcohol consumed
  • Attempt mild workout regimes daily such as leisurely walking
  • Committing extra sleeping hours at night

Drink water wisely

Smart watertaking alleviates fluid buildup within body – simple yet effective;

• Make sure normal intakes consist of recommended portions throughout day
• Opt for H2O instead of beverages with high sugar content.


Bloating and fatigue can be a nuisance, but they’re often manageable through dietary changes and polite additions to lifestyle. Giant puffed-up marshmallow may make you laugh for now, it’s jarring when signifying potential health problems should symptoms continue. Use preventive measures, knowledge or even look up more ways around some issues—feeling fatigued? Drink extra water ya might just need !

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