Which food help gain weight fast?

Are you tired of being called “skinny” or having people ask if you eat enough? Do you want to bulk up and gain some much-needed weight? Look no further, because we have the ultimate list of foods that will help you pack on the pounds!


Gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing it. While indulging in junk food may seem like an easy solution, it isn’t sustainable or healthy. Fortunately, there are many wholesome foods that can aid in gaining weight without causing havoc on your body.

The Basics

To gain weight, you must consume more calories than your body burns each day. This means consuming calorie-dense foods regularly throughout the day. However, not all calories are created equal; aim for nutrient-rich foods such as complex carbohydrates and lean protein sources.

Calorie-Dense Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates such as whole grains and sweet potatoes offer a diet-friendly way to boost daily caloric intake with a side of nutrients. Here are some suggestions:

  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Spelt pasta

Additionally, dried fruit is a perfect snack packed with energy-giving sugar and fiber; ideal when out running errands!

Protein Powerhouses

Protein does so much more than build muscle mass: consuming adequate amounts helps repair damaged muscles after exercise; essential when training intensively. Foods high in protein include:

  • Chicken breast (ahem…sorry vegans)
  • Turkey breast
  • Lean beef
  • Fish
  • Greek yoghurt (“Opa!”)

Good vegetarian options abound too:

Food Protein Content
Tempeh 15g per 3oz
Lentils 9g per half cup
Peanut butter 8g per tablespoon
Greek yoghurt 10g per half cup

Fats: Friend or Foe?

Shocking as it may be, fats in moderation are essential to gain weight healthily. They play a critical role in maintaining healthy skin and hormone production.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (aka the “good” types) should make up most of your fat intake. Here are some nutritious sources:

  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

The Nitty Gritty

Now that you know the basics, let’s dive into more specific foods that can help with gaining weight.

Milk Your Way to Weight Gain

Milk is an excellent way to add calories throughout the day – without feeling full quickly. It’s also chock-full of bone-building calcium.

Whole milk provides 60 extra calories for each glass than low-fat milk does; also providing double the amount of vitamin D which helps build stronger bones!

Cold, sweet chocolate milk makes post-workout recovery both efficient AND enjoyable! Never has brain-freeze been so satisfying…

Say Cheese…and Crackers!

Cheese is deliciously calorie-dense when consumed sensibly (although please don’t eat it by the brick). Paired with high-fiber crackers, this snack packs on good carbs too.

And please don’t go anywhere near Velveeta cheese product :O

Opt for harder cheeses such as parmesan or brie instead of mozzarella sticks which adds nutrients amongst those delightful fats one loves – savvy dieters could pivot between soft and hard cheeses paired with nuts during happy gatherings!

Consistently consuming nutrient-rich snacks like these will result in any disillusioned doubters soon acknowledging your form transformation.

Don’t Be A Jerky…Eat Some Beef Jerky!

Beef jerky has over 80% protein content while only having 70-80 calories per serving. Heavily processed products may be high in sodium though, so opting for homemade beef jerky is the best bet.

Alternatively, other protein-loaded options include:

  • Seitan
  • Tuna
  • Chicken wings

Sweet Treats…Yes, Please!

Dessert lovers can enjoy tantalising treats that gratify both their sugar cravings and weight-gain needs.

These foods are low-volume but provide dense energy; as such they should be eaten in moderation similar to milk chocolate – dark chocolate also contains polyphenols which promotes health further WITHOUT causing any guilt-ridden “I’ve cheated on my diet” feelings later (phew).

Here are some examples of tasty options:

  • Fudge
  • Baklava
  • Dates

Smooth Moves

Small meals throughout the day-upping total caloric intake-is prime if larger portion sizes aren’t appealing or mess with metabolism too much. Which brings us smoothly onto smoothies!

Uh oh…Smooothyyyyyyy!!!

Calorie-dense smoothie recipes packed with fruit seeds nuts and avocado can help introduce a great variety of vitamins micronutrients fiber AND fats! One more delicious way to achieve those goals healthily.


In conclusion, gaining weight starts with calorie excess; however choosing your macronutrient sources wisely helps increase muscle requires nutrients maintaining overall health.

So just remember: Carbs provide quick fuel; lean proteins build muscle beneficial fats nourish skin promote healthy hormone production – indulge sensibly you’ll thank yourself later!

Bon appetit!

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