Which cheeses are lactose free?

Are you a cheese lover but suffer from lactose intolerance? Fear not, dear reader! This guide is here to help you navigate the world of lactose-free cheese and find the perfect cheesy matches for your taste buds.

What is Lactose Intolerance?

First things first, let’s talk about what lactose intolerance actually means. Simply put, it refers to the inability of our bodies to digest lactose – a type of sugar found in milk and dairy products. If you’re one of the many people who struggle with this issue, then eating cheese can often be a troublesome task!

Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance

Some common symptoms include bloating, gas, diarrhea or nausea after consuming lactose-rich foods like milk or cheese. But fear not! There are plenty of delicious substitutes that won’t leave you feeling gassy and bloated.

How Do You Make Cheese Lactose-Free?

Before we dive into which cheeses are naturally devoid of lactase enzyme & their types have no/little amounts present 101 – which as expected will vary by individual food allergies/sensitivities across some types (but not all!), let’s talk about how they’re made lactose-free.
The process usually involves using bacteria cultures (Lactic Acid Bacteria) that eat up most/all of the lactos(the problematic substance) during fermentation/ripening time thus leaving behind only minimal amount present in trace elements levels , so it rarely causes digestive issues(happy times!)

Interesting fact: there’s even non-dairy plant-based vegan options available too
Here are some commonly found alternatives/snacks for those looking for an extra-cheesy fix without any tummy troubles.

Soy Cheese

Soy gives us tofu – why not extend its offering into creamy yummy bites???. That’s where soy comes in! Made from extracted soy proteins or milk, soy cheese often mimics the texture and taste of classic dairy-based cheeses. Not only is it lactose-free, but it’s a good source of protein for vegans/vegetarians!

Nut Cheese

For the fans of nuts in your life, consider nut cheese. It’s generally derived through blending grated/sliced nuts (almonds/cashews) with yeast/nutritional yeast that accounts for flavor -you can add additional tasty sundries/spices like rosemary or garlic to create new & exciting sensations while keeping intact its creaminess.

You could even make some at home too- win-win . Now almond my favorite excuse to break-out blender/frother you should always keep on standby 🙂

Lactase Supplements

Cheesy goodness everywhere even when consuming normal grains without any intolerances supplements are available as a remedy. A dose before consumption helps in digestion thereby reducing nausea/Bloating within half-hour intervals approximately.

Irregardless choose wisely; best results come with taking tiny amounts at first increments then gradually increasing after individual tolerance has been gauged , don’t go all out thinking supplement = solved.

Are There Any Natural Cheeses That Are Lactose-Free?

Yes! You heard right.
Natural dairy products such as cheese have naturally occurring amounts lactose present base off length/mannerism type was processed/time complementing ripeness thereof.this however does mean that there are certain varieties/types that contain far less lactase making digestion easier than others!

Here are some popular ones:

Hard Cheese

Hard cheeses like cheddar/Parmesan/Gouda usually do not contain any detectable levels due long periods they took

During their aging process .
If interested buy cheaper blocks? To get higher aged bite-cheese thus ensuring maximum allowable ⏱time fermented during its development cycle and also avoiding pre shredded/packaged version because additives may be with some residual lactose.

Soft Cheese

Soft cheese can also hold smaller levels of lactase, But not by much harder to calculate due the range

There are soft varieties available: Feta/Brie/Cottage – just ensure you consistently check their labels with researched history-data.
Typically than hard-cheese counterparts taken a shorter cooler aged stage; multiple external factors may impact results like temperature/humidity/ ambient micro-bacterial environment making each batch unique (with its very own #quirks)

Take Home

In conclusion, if you’re looking for healthier dairy substitutes and are also dealing with gut issues, don’t hesitate to incorporate lactose-free cheese options into your diet!

With so many delicious alternatives available such as vegan/plant-based soy or nut cheeses , Lactase supplements or even ‘natural’ styles going sans additives there’s no reason to feel left out during that next wine & then Cheesy themed picnic . Happy eating!

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