Where to start when bleaching hair?

Welcome my dear readers! So, you want to bleach your hair? You’ve come to the right place. This article will give you all the information needed for bleaching your hair like a pro.

Why Do People Bleach Their Hair?

Before diving into how-to’s and whatnots let’s first talk about why someone would even consider this chemical process on their precious locks.

  1. Attention-seekers – These people want others’ attention from time-to-time and go through extreme measures by changing their looks drastically.
  2. Self-exploration – Some individuals prioritize self-discovery, so they experiment with their appearance to find something that speaks volumes about who they really are.
  3. Fashion Don’ts/Do’s – Sometimes, certain styles exist only if accompanied with light colored or rainbow-like shades of hair colors such as pink in concert rock glam styles.
  4. Changing persona-ity: There are those looking for change within themselves after contemplating on mental growth and assimilating it in one way is outside appearance.

Regardless, whatever reason it is valid enough for someone willing to dive into getting some of those highlights added.

The Essentials

  • Gloves
  • Powder bleach
  • Creme developer
  • Toner
  • Mixing Bowl & Brush applicator

Caution: Before anything else make sure that you have researched thoroughly about do’s and dont’s while doing this procedure extensively detailed tutorials over YouTube should be helpful but always take caution regarding general warnings given especially against expired products used previously

You surely don’t want any health-related issues. Stylists remind us there could be terrible consequences besides destroying the new look which just might leave more harm than good Safety First!

Choosing Your Lightener

First things first; research reputable brands (also referred as toning powders) , check reviews online or ask around if somebody recommends a certain product. There are many options available and depending on your hair type you need to be cautious in choosing the right products that has different strength levels such as:

  • 10 volume
  • 20 volume
  • 30 volume
  • and now there’s a new trend of ultra violet bleaches

Hair Color And Previous Coloring History

Possibility Warning!: Don’t go ahead if you have dyed previously with henna or other plant-based hairstyling colors for these produce really deep tints which can prevent further processing. When encountering this, warning lights should flicker up right then.

Some color dyes may still affect the outcome regardless so, it is important to take all those into consideration.

The Techniques in Bleaching Your Hair Like A Pro

In order to perfectly execute bleaching technique, read some tips from experienced pros over time given how finicky one’s safety could risk if out-of-hand:

  1. Plan it out – Consult your stylist friend first and foremost! Ask what best suits your preferences.
  2. Timing your sessions – Do not bleach more than twice for any span of six weeks at approximately two level gaps from each session otherwise BURNING ALERT!
  3. Professional help- While doing things by yourself sounds highly convenient let me stop here before I even start telling stories about botched-attempts giving unimaginable damages while trying their own thing!
  4. Sectionalizing area- Divide hair into sections; topmost point down to ear-level & below that e.g.- back-top section front-bottom side section etc.
  5. Toning – Finish off by toning down overly blonde or brassy hues left behind after the process carry-on until an effect just like light golden yellow ginger(which means base-color) reaching extremely platinum/light ash-blonde result.

Remember guys know thy limits!

Preparing To Bleach Your Locks

Now let’s get down to it!, Preparing your hair which could be managed only based on how healthy and taken care of each strand.

  1. Washing- Cleanse your hair for dirt/oil.
  2. Conditioning – There are two types of conditioners you can use one called protein-based conditioner (because the keratin level will increase after) or moisture-based conditioner(water-retention)
  3. Avoid brushing excessively that may cause breakage than before!
  4. Prevent Damage- Don’t touch up already brittle ends until completely disappearing since continuous damage is more unhealthy in the long run.

The Actual Bleaching Process

Tips from experienced professionals over time: process starts at the portion’s top towards down to its bottom:

  • Always put an old towel or dark cape covering shoulders!
  • Start mixing powder bleach till dissolved then add creme developer until mixture reaches a silky texture.
  • Brushing/Parting hair into sections accordingly
    • Already mentioned above to section off into parts either 4,6,8 parts whichever better suits you,
      when applying lighten-er work upwards lower-to-top before topmost pointing downwards
      e.g left side by dividing horizontally & applying upward strokes first near root while holding onto loose ends securely such easier as opposed reversed application patternn designs)
  • Movements should start with focus being inside first ie avoid contact hitting onto skin surface extent apart minimizing tingling feeling involved without including ear-& forehead part closely-maintained heavily deemed important because overlapping might happen & unwanted patches appearing later-on thusly leaving uneven bleached spots throughout entire head! How terribly disheartening!

Post Processing

Now that we’ve talked about pre-care and actual treatment….are there any aftercare procedures needed? Is post-processing really necessary?

The answer is hell yes it still does matter,since keeping those locks glossy,clean and smooth helps maintain both longevity of color retention whereas other health-responsiveness like utilizing more protein-based conditioners over moisture-bound types.

Tips to maintain silky-smooth hair:

  • Use shampoos that are sulfate-free.
  • Avoid washing hair daily instead follow suggested timeline of just maybe 2-3x a week
  • Apply dry shampoo when necessary rather than soaking every day.

At Last…

Happy embarkments and adventure experimenting colorful, high quality changes in your hairstyle can bring fresh feelings through encouragement notably presenting new outlooks on oneself regardless at whatever age or lifestyle . Never forget these extra precautions listed here which could ultimately give priceless dividends much longed for!

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