Where is my pulse on my wrist?

Are you one of those people who just can’t seem to find your pulse? Do you ever wonder why everyone else seems to know exactly where it is, but you’re left feeling lost and confused? Well, fear not my friend because today we are going to explore the depths of this elusive pulse and discover once and for all where it’s hiding. So without further ado, let’s dive straight in!

What is a Pulse?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of where your pulse is located, let’s first establish what a pulse actually is (not that kind). A pulse refers to the rhythmic throbbing sensation that can be felt in various parts of your body. It occurs due to the beating of your heart which pumps blood through your arteries.

Finding Your Pulse

Now onto the main event, finding your bloody (pun intended) pulse. Contrary to popular belief, locating your wrist pulse isn’t as easy as just slapping down two fingers on either side of your wrist and hoping for magical unicorns – there’s more science involved behind this procedure than meets the eye. First things first though:

  • Make sure that both arms are relaxed and bare
  • Locate a comfortable position e.g., sitting at a table
  • Try not think about “how”

Once you have done all that follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by placing two fingers on top or below an imaginary line between The Centre Bone & The Thumb.
  2. Wait until obviously long enough (> 20 seconds) before giving up(Note:your watch cannot lose its marbles)
  3. Once/If found: count how many beats per minute(lies between 60 &100)

Voila! Now you finally have concrete proof that yes – you do indeed possess a functioning heartbeat like any other humanoid creature!

Common Misconceptions

“But wait!” I hear you say, “I’ve tried that before and still can’t seem to find my pulse”. Well fear not because there are a few common misconceptions about finding your wrist pulse that people tend to fall victim too. Here are some of the most common:

It’s Not All on the Wrist

Although commonly known as ‘wrist’ pulse, it’s not just located strictly in your wrist area. In fact, it is also possible to feel it at other places such as:

  • Radial artery: found under Thumb so pressing down with fingers perpendicular
  • Brachial artery(found in upper arm)
  • Common Carotid Artery (either side of neck)

Trying Too Hard

Also trying too hard or applying excessive pressure could distort/give false results.

What Can Affect Your Pulse Rate?

Now that we know where our pulse is hiding let’s dive into what can affect its reading(it does have feelings). The actual rate at which your heart beats per minute can be influenced by several factors such as age, stress levels(Exams anyone?) physical activity (Are you even alive if not exercising?)and medication(yay druggies).


As one ages(boo), their resting heart rate tends to decrease due to various factors such as slower metabolism and weakening muscles elasticity(sadly true). This means those lucky younglings among us who still possess unwrinkled skin will likely have a faster resting heartbeat than Bill Gates or Queen Elizabeth II.

Physical Activity

Physical activity essentially refers explicitlyto any workout session or fast-paced movements engaged throughout daily routine; running up stairs.e.g Running away from problems works for some.I am partied out after two squats… Heartbeats during workouts normally skyrocket(higher than usual) thus pulsing intensely.. On the flipside engaging without doing anything like Netflix addiction decreases hearts’ workload hence having a lower heartbeat.

Stress Levels

Stress it is NOT just a myth and the effects can also be physically manifested through an altered pulse rate. The body tends to release adrenaline which increases heart palpitations (one way of describing accelerated blood flow). This could lead to short breaths or even unpleasant sweating, so watch how much drama you get into people!


Well folks, there you have it. We’ve explored where your pulse resides all along – right beneath our noses! It may take some time(like adulting)to perfect locating that throbbing sensation but with patience, persistence and eventually.. practice we will get there in no time (you might just end up becoming the next best physician) Remember that taking care of one’s health involves more than juts learning “where” keep track of other lifestyle factors such as activity levels and stress levels too.Remember Health & Goodluck!

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