Where can i buy captains krill oil?

If you’re a fan of taking supplements to help maintain your health, it’s likely that you’ve heard about the wonders of krill oil. And if you’re particularly savvy, then you may have even heard about one of the best brands on the market: Captain’s Krill Oil.

So where can you buy this sought-after supplement? Fear not, for we have scoured the internet and beyond to find all of the best places to purchase Captain’s Krill Oil!

The Official Website

Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the easiest places to get hold of some Captain’s Krill Oil is through their official website. Not only can you order directly from them here, but they also offer subscriptions so that you never run out.

Plus, let’s be real – ordering from an official website just feels fancy. It makes us feel like we’re dealing with legitimate businesspeople in suits rather than just squirreling around online trying desperately not to click on more cat videos.


Ah yes, good old reliable Amazon. If there’s anything in this world that they don’t sell yet…well frankly we doubt it exists at all. So naturally they have plenty of options when it comes to buying Captain’s Krill Oil as well!

One major advantage here is free shipping if you already have Amazon Prime (which hopefully everyone does by now), which means that stocking up on your favourite supplement won’t cost anything extra (and no excuses for not ordering enough cause “shipping costs too much”).


Okay so maybe iHerb isn’t quite as well-known as some other shopping websites out there – but hear us out! They’ve got plenty of natural products at reasonable prices (including a variety made specifically for those who prefer vegan or gluten-free options) and their customer reviews can be very helpful!

Not to mention their rewards program, which means that the more you buy, the more money you save. It’s like they’re paying YOU to take care of yourself! (Okay not really…but it feels kinda close).

Lucky Vitamin

Now we know what some of you are thinking – “Lucky who now?” But trust us when we say that Lucky Vitamin is a hidden gem worth checking out.

Their main claim to fame is offering up to 75% off on all kinds of health and wellness products (that doesn’t mean everything is a good deal though so make sure that Captain’s Krill Oil isn’t cheaper somewhere else), including items from brands like Captain’s Krill Oil.

It might not be as polished-looking as some other shopping websites out there, but hey – if saving money on quality supplements is important to you, then it may just be worth seeking out!

The Local Health Food Store

We know, we know. In this modern age where Amazon reigns supreme and worldwide shipping is at our fingertips (ahem or at least it usually was before Covid-19)…who even goes outside anymore?

But hear us out for just one second: sometimes there really still IS value in going old-school and actually visiting your local health food store (they still exist!!).

Not only do many stores offer loyalty programs so you get financial benefits over time when consistently purchasing from them (or tempting enough goodies such as vegan cookies..well okay maybe less healthy part here), but staff can also lend advice on which supplements might best suit your personal needs.

Plus think about how impressed everyone will be when they see actual human interaction happening between two individuals crouched down beside some flax seed bags!


So there you have it! Whether your preference lies with online orders or in-person shopping, there are plenty of options for buying Captain’s Krill Oil. Hopefully this list has helped you find the perfect place to stock up and maintain your healthy well-being…without sacrificing a sense of humour along the way!

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