Where are the nerves in your hand?

Have you ever wondered why your hand tingles after hitting it on a table? Or how you’re able to feel the texture of a cat’s fur when petting it? These sensations are all thanks to the intricate network of nerves that run through our hands. But where exactly are these nerves located and what do they do? Let’s dive into this electrifying topic and find out!

Anatomy of the Hand

Before we can talk about nerves, let’s get familiar with the anatomy of our hands. Our hands consist of bones, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, and skin. The structure of our hands is divided into three sections:


The wrist contains eight small bones called carpals. These support the movements of our hand.


The palm is made up by five metacarpal bones which connect to each finger bone for better dexterity.


Fingers have fourteen phalanges or joints!

All together there are twenty-seven tiny articulated parts — pretty crazy for an appendage so important.

Types of Nerves in Your Hands

Our nervous system consists mainly two types i.e Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System(PNS). PNS connects your body parts such as limbs or organs to CNS which includes brain and spinal cord.

Under PNS falls somatic nervous system(SNoS) whose job is motor control whereas sensory feedback from receptors spread across Skin Muscles Organs reach back via SNoS only.

In simpler terms: All those little nerve endings in our fingertips send messages via sensory neurons back to centres deep within – think one-way street.. mostly 😉

In generic words we got following type(s)of nerves present around CTS:
– Sensory Nerves — they perceive external stimuli like temperature & touch.
– Motor Neves — they help initiate movement.
– Mixed Nerves — they do both.

At the wrist region, one nerve spreads into different branches which provide sensation and motor control for specific regions of the hand.

Major Nerves in Your Hand

Our hands have three main nerves that run through them:

1. Median Nerve

The median nerve runs from your forearm to your palm and supplies sensation and movement to parts of your thumb and fingers.

It gives a branch to almost all digital flexors( explain it as muscles controlling bending motion )alongwith Plamaris longus(aforementioned muscle only present in about 77% people). It is also responsible for feelings on pulp side (meaning pads under fingertips), palm below digits, digits except small finger(thumb,index,middle,fourth).

Loss of function/irritation can cause carpal tunnel syndrome which leads pain/neural sensations(mostly felt running towards shoulder)

2. Radial Nerve

The radial nerve begins at the neck area of our spinal cord before extending down through our arm, then across our elbow joint, passing over the upper end of humerus where we call it ‘spiral groove’.

This nerve controls many muscles enabling extending movements from fore-arm along with mobility/control around wrists. It extends sensory support to part DORSAL or backside scaphoid bone supporting thumb along with base side/palm behind THR(Broad terminology for bones aka joints) . Does special job near snuffbox(go work out!).

One damage symptom might be falling wrist(loose grip when try lifting weights using extensor chain(off-loaded by this))along loss more severe signs due extended stretches like reverse seningo nerve palsy(just an example).

Let me make backup reminder here – Don’t jump down late night searches self diagnosed conclusions!

3. Ulnar Nerve

Last but not least: The ulnar includes extension from lower side shoulders narrowing down towards so called funny bone(outside elbow) where it agains branches into digits 4 and 5 for sensory/motor functions.

It extends motor controls to intrinsic muscles(they might be small but surely pack quite the motion), wrist flexors apart from getting sensation like they do. Had enough yet?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Sometimes, nerves can get compressed which leads to pain and weakness in the hand. One of the most common nerve compressions that occur is carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnels occurs when there is pressure being placed on our median nerve.(And yes, you guessed right, every time we feel pain while typing & scrolling aimlessly over social media posts)

I often quote – Behold! a table tennis ball (with brains sometimes!). Metaphorically speaking because thats its average size squeezed among all tendon(suppleness training intentional UGH!).

This squeezing restricts sensitivity,mobility both along with numbing experience(half phasing away fingers).

Prolonged pressure also causes inflammation around wrist(mostly tenosynovitis(swelling within protective sheets around tendons)) causing other problems too? Can cause some function disease like loose anchor grip etc…sad!

If you’re experiencing any concerning level signs – consult specialist/ergonomical assistant without delay!

Wrapping it up — not your hand though!

So there you have it! The three main nerves that run through your hand. Remember: these nerves are often responsible for sending various sensations throughout our hands—good or bad :). Taking care of them by maintaining good posture habits off-screen work , exercising/stretching during break intervals whenever possible isn’t just important—it’s essential—and will ensure that lose none of those wonderful experiences ever again – whether holding cuppa coffee or stroking fluffy feline buddy paw😻

Stay safe.. Stay Strong 💪

Hand holding a pencil in front of notebook

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