When should period start after plan b?

Are you feeling anxious and wondering when your period should be starting after taking the emergency contraceptive pill? Well, get those granny panties on because we are about to dive deep into the world of menstrual cycles and plan B. Get ready for some juicy information.

What is Plan B?

For starters, Plan B isn’t just a random code word used by master spies in Hollywood movies. It is an emergency contraception pill that can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex or if another contraceptive method fails. Fun fact: it’s also called “the morning-after pill,” but don’t let that name fool you – it works just as well when taken up to three days later.

How Does Plan B Work?

Plan B contains hormones that keep your ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) or keeping sperm from fertilizing an egg already released. If both methods fail, then plan b acts as a backup mode of defense by inhibiting implantation which means it will not allow any fertilized egg to embed itself into the uterus lining thus preventing pregnancy.

The Big Question

Now comes the big question-when should my period start again after consuming this tiny lifesaver tablet? Sadly there isn’t one broad answer for everyone; anyway here are possible answers:

Answer 1: Wait For Your Regular Cycle

Your menstruation cycle might occur approximately two weeks post-intake of levonorgestrel, with ranges between these timelines being normal/healthy . Therefore once this time elapses and your period hasn’t occurred yet, takea home pregnancy test immediately..

Answer 2: Irregular Periods

If you miss pland b’s estimated period timeline do not fret! A quick housekeeping reminder: This does not mean its utility has failed you. In most cases,you may experience irregular periods-i.e., lighter or heavy bleeding. At any point, do not take chances and take a pregnancy test.

Answer 3: Recheck

If there is no period even after the suggested time frame (2-3 weeks)then it’s both safe and necessary to consider any potential for pregnancy by buying an over-the-counter pregnancy detection kit or consulting your healthcare professional.

Factors Influencing Plans B’s Workability

Many factors can affect how quickly your body rids itself of Plan B hormones while also influencing its effectiveness:

  • Body mass index
  • Health conditions like kidney/liver disease
  • Age
  • Ovulation date at contraceptive time

Therefore always talk with your health care provider before administration since prescription medication may interfere with plan Bs working capability leading to compromised safety.

How Often Can Someone Take Plan B Medication?

Contrary to what some people believe, there is no set frequency limit on how frequently you can use emergency contraceptives. Hopefully though one rarely needs them more than twice in six months. Let us face reality; as nothing beats primary safety precautions when indulging . Having a healthy relationship between you and protection options will drastically reduce unnecessary usage of these pills

Contraceptive Methods Worth Considering Apart From Pill “B”

Worried about the side effects? It’s normal human nature to worry! Fear not though, many other ways exist prevent unintended pregnancies including:

Birth Control Pills

They work best if consumed daily around similar hours each day starting from day one or fifth-day post initial menstruation until completion which takes roughly three weeks.

Intrauterine Devices

Effective devices medically installed within the uterus using birth control methods inhibiting fertilization in numbers close too or up too 10 years depending upon gadgets used but could cause cramping-like pangs/pain during installation stage).


This option offers fella protection against sexually transmitted diseases while being relatively affordable and easily accessible with various flavors offered (who doesn’t love the taste of bubblegum!)


The most permanent option for birth control. It’s generally a “one time only” procedure while being popular in 45-50’s age groups.

In conclusion, there isn’t any distinct answer about when to expect periods after pill B usage since it varies based on a person’s physiology e.g body mass index; health conditions like kidney/liver disease or age affecting hormones within your system utilizing PlanB makes all the difference SAFE SEX should always be priority!

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