When My Time Comes: This Will Be the Day That I Die

Death, a word that instills fear and anxiety into human hearts. A journey with no return, final destination defined by death itself. But what if we could plan our own deaths? What if we had control over how we leave this world? Sounds interesting, right?

As humans, it’s always been challenging to accept that one day our time will come to say goodbye to earth forever. An inevitable destiny awaits us all. Despite religious beliefs and specific cultural practices aiming at celebrating death as part of life eventually ‘we’d have another rap,’ said Bon Scott on AC/DC’s hit song.

More Than Just The Endgame

Let’s not make Death an uncomfortable subject anymore; instead, let’s create a narrative around why planning ahead is essential for every individual regardless of age or wealth status in society. It never hurts too early to start making decisions you are pleased with concerning your metaphorical exit strategy.


Just like in business where smart entrepreneurs think about exits when building companies even before starting operations similarly planning ahead regards end-of-life desires known commonly as Advanced Care Planning can help in taking charge (pun intended) of responses after setting sail.

Avoiding Stressful Scenarios

In contrast to the two doors leading out of reality presented above old-fashioned “go lightly” approach towards handling passing creates legal complications scenarios earlier than necessary forms distinct distress families unnecessarily face according to research studies conducted globally among minorities focused quality medical care overall enhanced economic opportunities / workforce participation do indeed improve the health social wellbeing given chances build strong relationships better health education lead healthier lifestyles decreased instances partner violence substance abuse – not surprisingly reducing premature mortality.

By planning duly elected representatives ensure distributions mean something funeral markers love bestows upon leaving behind legacy charitable foundations operating perpetuity, which keeps memories intact alive while achieving some good work along the way which inadvertently strengthens personal confidence facing the notion head-on that our time will come.

Decisions, Decisions

Deciding what to do with assets Real Estate / Financially before departing becomes increasingly easier as we continue building legacies for generations to come. In tackling such issues below listed estate planning tips create #AuthenticTech – recognized globally advanced technological solutions geared promoting healthy active lifestyle choices ultimately leading customer satisfaction life-transforming experiences holistic wellbeing.

  • Create a Will even if you think it is early in your career (intestate laws sometimes bypass spouse/partners.)
  • Choose contacts and create power of attorneys.
  • Consider Beneficiary Arrangements on every property/ asset you own because PROBATE IS COSTLY!
  • Prepare Advanced Medical Directives also known as Living Will which differs from general medical powers applied only once in specific cases where healthcare fails by ensuring compassionate care tailored around individual health needs/wishes while alleviating emotional turmoil faced loved ones during critical moments when one may be somewhat incapacitated.

Why wait? Plan Ahead but most importantly remember everyone should die peacefully, wake refreshed tomorrow full energy to live each day at fullest meaningfully enough cherishing today’s happy moments making memories last a lifetime!


Drop everything! Stop reading NOW (well after finishing sentence) GO CREATE YOUR WILL!

Listen out loud songs Bob Dylan wrote 1973’s acknowledging he “cannot prevent users enjoying work I did provide inspiration didn’t put words mouths” suggests expression heartfelt best feelings merely temporary ways leaving behind smiles bringing warmth wherever possible whether through fulfilling dreams or departures considerate others loving self(s).

One suggestion stands above all: take charge of an unintimidated approach regard end-of-life plans focusing Legacy Building capable providing foresight aiming maximum impact society long after exiting here are unique different steps beyond cultural practices international legal boundaries both men women actively participate meaningful methodical approaches celebrating lives until very end respecting wishes others same breath period leave lasting impressions quite simply put Will be remembered by all.

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