When do esophageal spasms occur?

Have you ever felt a sudden and intense pain in your chest that feels like you’re having a heart attack? Or maybe it’s more like the discomfort of indigestion, but seems to last longer than usual? If so, there is a chance that what you are experiencing is an esophageal spasm. This condition is quite rare compared to other gastrointestinal issues, but can still be rather uncomfortable and unsettling.

Esophageal spasms occur when the muscles in your esophagus contract abnormally or out of sync with one another. These contractions can create localized pressure that causes sensations ranging from mild discomfort to intense pain. Depending on where exactly the spasm happens along your esophagus will dictate whether symptoms feel like they are in throat region or across your chest/back area. This article will explain when these spasms may happen.

Spasmodic dysphonia

Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is characterized by involuntary motions affecting all sounds produced via cranial nerves controlling vocal folds movement(VFs) leading to potential airflow disturbances during voice production mostly noticeable at word beginnings compounding itself into speech blocks.Where it starts becoming interesting for our purposes here though is that SD has been known to trigger esophageal spasms, mostly when speaking quickly or intensely about something.

Those who suffer from SD might experience erratic muscle movements related not only with speaking but also singing, whispering and other activities which place additional emphasis on their vocal cords. It must be noted however that not everyone diagnosed with SG suffers from this issue – typically only those have it whom public speaking plays important role as part of their profession exposing them frequently talking before groups / engaging excessively difficult conversations over phone/video cals

Acid reflux disease

Acid Reflux Disease(ARD),more commonly known as Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease(GERD),causes gastric acids and digestive enzymes from the stomach to travel back up into the esophagus. As these chemicals move towards areas where normally only non-acidic substances are present, they can lead to corrosion of delicate lining of oesophageal tissue, resulting in symptoms like heartburn,choking sensations or difficulty swallowing.

When this happens often enough without proper management, consistency burns caused by acid exposure on your esophageal walls might begin to grow scar tissue which narrows diameter reducing liquid that can pass thru it leading other severe complications aside from spasms themselves: for instance tear trauma during meals/alcohol drinking events.


Dysphagia is a condition wherein individuals feel difficulty while swallowing food/liquids due various reasons such as reduced mobility/lack of coordination in tongue/mouth/throat area(think poor oral hygiene/cancer treatments/stroke paralysis)Apart from common symptoms like choking sensation noted earlier on,this disorder may trigger secondary spasms which occur when trying to force substance down body.Due location involved larynx muscles these problems don’t relate direct muscle pathways responsible contracting waves across your dinner’s journey,but still pose recipe spasm chaos apart additional worsening pain-discomfort levels overall experience.

Eating too quickly

In today’s fast-paced world people tend to eat their meals way too quick – this unhealthy habit poses both physical and emotional health risks: near-instant abdominal bloating indigestion having negative impact long term followed mental malaise. But what about the idea that eating quickly could trigger an episode of esophageal spasm?

Well,eating rapidly means that you significantly increase pressure inside your throat since air/fluids go down your gut almost simultaneously building tad tensions along way; if any underlying issues exist around lower parts throat (e.g., GERD/difficulty properly relaxing coronal sphincter after swallow), then you’re asking for trouble.Look at it as a hose getting clogged by rocks flowing to obstruction.

Anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are known enemies of human health, both physical and mental. They can manifest in many different ways – from headache to tightness of chest, difficulty breathing, nausea or just overall fatigue/tiredness. But what about the possibility that anxiety/stress could trigger esophageal spasm?

Well,the science around this subject isn’t particularly comprehensive,nor unequivocal – some studies indicate only mild correlation between these factors others suggest much stronger linkages exist among sufferers with clear comorbidity profiles.Though mechanisms driving connection aren’t quite understood,some possibilities include heightened fight-flight response affecting all muscle contracts respiratory system etc causing food material get pushed awkwardly down further esophageal chambers eventually reaching point resistance where starts spasming accompanied by related sensations like pain/pressure difficulties swallowing.


Certain medications can also increase your risk of experiencing an esophageal spasm. Some examples of drugs associated with such contractions include calcium channel blockers used treat hypertension pressure control(angina/coronary artery disease), antibiotics used to treat infections,migraine relief prescriptions & bronchodilators help asthma suffers breathe easier.This is typically experienced more often when medicinal concentration present in stomach area so take adequate time after meals/doses allowing body’s natural digestion process absorb most if handled well evening routine already established .


Alcohol is absorbed into bloodstream differently from other beverages one drinks during day because ethanol molecule requires less processing digestive organs than complex carbs/fatty substances found everyday meals.Into livers command we GO! And alcohol comes crashing quickly on empty stomach After consumed readily absorbed bloodstream via gastrointestinal tract.One study showed that 30% patients visiting gastroenterologists complaining non-cardiac hyperkinetic activity had confessionalised consuming above-average amounts alcoholic liquids form high-risk behaviours capable inducing unexpected esophageal spasms just as other issues.

Quitting smoking

It is no secret that tobacco and nicotine are not only damaging your respiratory health but also affect heart/every organ in body negatively.Cigarette smoke contains numerous chemicals such tar, carbon monoxide,resulting lung inhalation becoming a rather toxic affair.Since when you quit smoking lungs start healing themselves,it’s normal experience some temporary chest pains (withdrawals etc) – what about esophageal spasms?

Smokers looking kick sick addiction often face dangers which accompany medical status changes initial stages therapy; amongst counterintuitive side effects those cease incoterate tabbacco consumption patients have reported increased likelihood said motility disorders could manifest body parts like oesophagus. So don’t be too surprised if one day you suddenly experience tell-tale signs of an esophageal spasm after quitting your favorite brand of cancer sticks.


Esophageal spasms can happen for many reasons, though their symptoms will range from mild to severe depending on how serious the cause was. If you’re feeling sudden weird pressure or pain sensations around lower/throat area accompanied by involuntary muscular contractions,take it seriously even without immediately alarming motivations being present since effective treatments exist if proper diagnosis followed.Treating this condition may require combinational treatment from changing diet to medications eventually resorting surgery done properly best lying down & relaxing during episode occurrence!

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