What’s worse low blood sugar or high?

Blood sugar levels are the reflection of the amount of glucose that is present in one’s bloodstream. Blood sugar issues can be quite common and manifest themselves in different ways depending on whether an individual has low or high blood sugar. Many people wonder which is worse between these two conditions. Well, this article will take a humorous approach to help you understand what exactly happens when you experience either low or high blood sugar.

Let’s Start with Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, also called hypoglycemia, occurs when your glucose-levels drop below 70 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). This condition typically affects individuals with diabetes who are managing their insulin treatment or those who have liver diseases such as hepatitis B and C-liver cirrhosis (did someone mention tequila?!) There are various symptoms associated with Hypoglycemia including:


Tiredness features prominently among many sensations displayed by people experiencing lower than normal blood-sugar levels. You may become fatigued and require rest after doing activities that don’t normally exhaust you.


This is yet another prominent symptom observed during hypoglycemic incidents. One might sweat abnormally even under regular weather conditions
(Betty also says Mr.Pinkman sweated excessively while selling drugs) I’m pretty sure it was due to the heat though!


One may feel dizzy at certain points within lowered-glucose episodes mainly because our brains rely significantly on glucose for energy generation; therefore, hypoglycemia impairs optimal cognitive functions.

Difficulty Concentrating

During incidents involving hyperglycemia attributable to increased-insulin sensitivity-urges generally reduce thereby disrupting usual brain function hence difficulties concentrating could materialize

As if these symptoms weren’t enough torment (Harsh life, dude!) ,severe cases may result in more severe complications such as seizures or coma. Although it sounds scary and unenviable (it really is), low blood sugar can be handled with the right measures such as taking appropriate food supplements.

What About High Blood Sugar?

High blood sugar also commonly referred to as hyperglycemia, occurs when levels exceed 130 mg/dL. There are various causes of high glucose levels including diabetes mellitus type-2 which makes-up over 95% of all hyperglycemic disorders.


Just like with hypoglycemia fatigue sets-in during times of hyperglycemia and might persist for extended periods if left unchecked

Increased thirst

(Am I the only one that feels thirsty every time my ex texts me?) One could experience heightened dehydration tendencies following excess sugar buildup coupled with consequential frequent urination thereby leading to increased thirst due to body water loss (Drink up folks!)


Hyperglycaemic episodes may cause a person to feel nausea leading sometimes culminating into vomiting particularly after consuming carb-restricting medicines.

Blurred Vision.

Surging-sugar-levels-prompt intense fluctuations in fluid-distribution throughout our bodies particularly within our eyes hence leading-to blurred vision symptoms especially prevalent-amongst-diabetic patients (Wear those glasses folks!)

When untreated high-blood-sugar conditions could lead:

To chronic diseases

Factors contributing towards incremental worsening-of-hyperglycemic-conditions(e.g.,-autoimmune-diseases significantly increases likelihood-of-contracting-chronic diseases)

Risks associated with Hypertension.

Hypertension Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying High-Blood-Pressure Mmmmh 🙂 recurring-jumps-in-blood-pressure potentially spell-out disaster especially-for-older-persons

Which is Worse between Low Blood Sugar and High?

It’s like trying to decide which of the two-no-good brothers-(Jesse-Pinkman) and (Walter-White) in Breaking-Bad was worse. But instead, let’s compare and analyze a few issues!


Both Hypoglycemia & Hyperglycaemia prompt fatigue but while hypoglycemia manifests during moderate energy-intensive tasks, hyperglycemia causes an inexhaustible tiredness sensation as sugar-quenching cells simply refuse insulin engorgement hence warrant one feeling perpetually fatigued.


While low blood-sugar per se does not lead to excessive urination also known-as polyuria; hyperglycaemic circumstances progressively increase glucose-intake demands thereby expelling increasingly more water via urine leading-it-to become pale-literally ‘Water-downed(Drink your eight glasses!)

Risk for coma

While-hypoglycemic-circumstances require speedy intervention, timely attention can rescue someone from permanent brain damage/coma. Similarly leaving unchecked Hyperglycemia tendencies could quickly escalate into much dire complications such as Diabetic-Ketoacidosis or even Coma causing prolonged unconsciousness potentially leading to longterm cognitive impairment/loss (Sounds serious!)

Prevention Mechanisms

Now that we know both sides its critical -that you protect yourselves proactively prevention mechanisms include:
– Maintaining appropriate diet regimes:- Eating wholesome foods with balanced-proportions-will keep gluscose-levels within acceptable-limits,
– Appropriate-Treatment-strategies:- Following-medications(Whether-insulin-shots-or-pills)prescribed by certified-doctors will help maintain-normal-glucose levels.

On top of these measures take advantage of care-aware free tools available online-helping-you track-practices towards Glucose-control.

Low and high blood sugar have their decent share of drawbacks but-through pro-active preventive measures nothing is insuperable. With-attention, proper-diet regimes and keeping in check on medications-insulin-shots might appear time-consuming-but are-lifelong investments towards a healthy-cognitive-life (Sounds like music to my ears!)

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