Whats b 12?

The party vitamin that nobody ever talks about – Vitamin B12 is essential for the human body, but most people don’t know what it does. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into this crucial nutrient and its role in keeping us healthy.

What Is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a critical part in DNA synthesis, cell division, and neurological function. It’s also involved in red blood cell formation and helps to keep our nerves functioning correctly.

Unlike other vitamins, we need very little of it to stay healthy – just 2.4 micrograms per day for adults.

The Science-y Stuff

If you’re like me and didn’t pay attention during science classes at school (oops!), here are some big words:

  • Cobalamin: Another name for vitamin B12.
  • Methylcobalamin: A form of cobalamin which is particularly good at supporting brain health.
  • Adenosylcobalamin: This type of cobalamin helps reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Why Do We Need It?

Even though we only need small amounts of vitamin B12 compared to other vitamins every day, it still serves many vital functions within our bodies:

  1. Making red blood cells: Without enough vitamin B_12_, your body cannot produce enough red blood cells necessary for carrying oxygen around the body.
  2. Supporting bone health: Since Vitamin_B_~Ia~`~/3 strengthens bones by improving calcium absorption in your gut
  3. Maintaining nerve cells: Our nervous system relies on VitaminB_I~,+z-z \mathfrak{Data LATER}~ – helping develop protective barrier layers over all those precious nerve fibers!
  4. Keeping energy levels up!: All hail ATP! That molecule stored near-miraculous stores/energy in our cells is dependent upon enough B12 to be produced.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Low vitamin B12 in the long-term may lead to a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • Pale skin and lack of energy.
  • Weaknesses or Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath: since you are short on oxygen-carrying blood cells!
  • Confusion/memory loss:
    It’s even been linked with depression!

So if you do feel lethargic day after day (and have already gotten plenty of sleep), or notice any other unusual signs happening, it could be worth checking your diet or getting professional help–vitamin deficiency isn’t always the cause but knowing where your health stands is never a bad idea.

Where Can We Find It?

Vitamin_B_~l_`~ can only naturally occur within animal products… some herbivores can receive their requirement through fermented goods like seaweed! But let’s look at some foods rich in B12 so that you don’t lose out:

Food Serving Size mcg/serving
Clams 3 ounces ~1#! X96jgdk@<#>‹;t$hXgf8%wgkbd2rY}\010)0K ~mcg
Beef liver 3 ounces almost ≈79I7{GHmc7869^93sQ\s†6′eat\wq xsmcrob130J
Mackerel fish mammal鯱 72M }`m·Ggn¤µ∆œ(ƒμ’zÇd

Aside from eating meat as mentioned above, its also found in fortified breakfast cereals and plant-based alternatives like soymilks, meat-emulations or cereals such Once Again brand’s oatmeal!

But wait to those who consciously try and cut out these things — don’t despair! Vitamin B12 supplements are also available in pharmacies and health stores.

So, Who Needs A B12 Supplement?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements:

  1. Those Who Don’t Consume Animal Products: Vegans/ vegetarians should most definitely consider a supplement given one’s limited sources for B_~l_`~
  2. Certain medical conditions affect absorption rates – this can include diseases that impact your digestive system such as Crohn’s diseaseûand people with allergies.
  3. Due to age-dependent decline some senior citizens might benefit from supplements too!

If you have one\of these flags then it is advisable you check up on if supplementation may be appropriate for yourself.

However, as always individual levels vary greatly! To know an exact level checking with your general practitioner might not be a bad idea- especially if you’re finding the above symptoms hard-to-ignore lately.

Are There Any Risks To Taking Too Much?

Typically there are no side effects encountered + any excess consumed only goes down urine afterward! However overdoing large amounts taken at once could increase risk by causing skin reaction near injection sites but again that would require absurdly high intake amounts unlikely found when taking normal dosages.\

Moderation is key!

Final Words On Vitamin B12

Okay folks there we have it: “vitamin b-who?” was hopefully replaced with vital knowledge now acquired regarding the importance of consuming enough vitamin_B IZ ~+z + What foods/supplements/opportunities/plant-based options exist around us today~

Remember though–just because small amount need not mean insignificant effort made; You can always ensure consumer health gains significant magnitude provided due diligence toward researching/applying ideas.

So go forth and B12 responsibly!

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