Whats a second degree burn?

Have you ever accidentally touched a hot stove or been exposed to too much sun? If you have, then chances are that you’ve experienced a second-degree burn! In this article, we’ll be discussing what exactly constitutes as a second-degree burn and how to treat it properly so that your skin can heal without any issues.

The Basics of Burns

Before we dive into the specifics of second-degree burns, let’s first take a look at what makes up all types of burns. According to medical professionals (duh), there are three different types of burns:

  1. First-Degree Burns
  2. Second-Degree Burns
  3. Third-Degree Burns

Each type presents itself slightly differently and has varying degrees of severity based on how deeply the injury affects the skin.

What Makes Up a Second Degree Burn

If you’re wondering what separates first degree from second degree burns (aside from one being named “first” and one being named “second”), the answer lies in their location within the skin layers.

First-degree burns only affect the outer layer – or epidermis- while second degree extends further into another layer called dermis where there may be pain and blistering often occur after exposure to heat source like flame/sunburns or electricity!

While these also cause redness/swelling which is why many people might confuse them with just having an adverse reaction instead guessing they got burnt! A little knowledge goes long way though: but never self-medicate!

Symptoms for both first and second degree consist mainly swelling/redness HOWEVER secondary causes blisters indicating deeper tissue damage!

Is There Pain Involved?

Yuppers; The difference between these two would be in feeling more intense because nerve endings present in lower levels are stimulated causing sharp lingering sensations compared if said wound was only treated as surface-level issue .

And all wounds require professional treatment so no DIY solutions!

Blisters And Scarring

Second degree burns are associated with blistering, and while these may be painful, they can actually help protect the wound from outside infection. However if not treated accordingly it leads to : You guessed it scarring!/ (DUNDUNDUNNN)

Treatment Options

As mentioned earlier self-treatment is a no-no (trust us). So who should you turn to in time of emergency? Dermatologists,stupid!

Though immediate first aid steps include cooling down area ( not ice though) anything non sterile to cover up before officially being checked out by professional.

The severity will determine extent of treatment: Large patches that need special attention might require hospitalization (ie those on face or groin).

Your dermatologist could choose between medicated bandages/soothing creams for burn specifically designed types X/Y depending needs individual which case he/she could recommend ointments and offer other forms basic care alike!

Pain Management

Remember we talked about pain earlier?

Those blisters meant even more pain but do NOT puncture +auto-drain – this opens entryways unnecessary infections/bacteria.

Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can majorly help .

But OTC’s aren’t’ enough always – if your physician prescribes something stronger go get em tiger

We hope this article has helped put into perspective what constitutes as a second-degree burn and how to properly treat it. Remember that when dealing with any kind of injury involving skin damage,seek immediate medical attention. It’s always better safe than sorry! Don’t forget; only medicate at advice doctor 😉

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