What will my kids look like when they are older?

As a proud parent of happy, healthy children, it’s understandable that you’d want to know what their future holds. You may be wondering if your little ones will inherit your curly hair or their father’s big blue eyes. Will they tower over you in height or stay petite and compact? Will they share any of your unique quirks or inherit some strange physical trait from Great-Uncle Alvin?

Don’t worry! We’ve got the answers you seek (sort of). Keep reading for some humorous insights into what kind of grown-ups your children might become.

Genetics 101

Before we jump into our predictions as to how YOUR offsprings might turn out later in life, let’s talk about genetics. There are tons of different traits that can influence everything from skin tone to sweat glands to earwax texture – all determined by genes passed down from parents.

For example, eye color is believed to be influenced by up to 16 different genes! Meanwhile, certain genetic mutations can cause things like extra fingers or freckles across someone’s entire body.

Of course, predicting exactly which traits each child will end up with isn’t really possible – though it hasn’t stopped us from trying!


Hair is often one of the first things you, as a parent, pay attention to when considering stubborn locks atop an infant head. Bald at birth but maybe it grew rapidly during toddlerhood; then again he/she could have been sporting three inches long straight black hair ever since they were born – makes no sense right?! Anyway fast forward many years later only for those carefully observed strands turns into radical casual hairstyle changes – knowing now how unpredictably tricky hairstyles could be on human beings.

But fear not because flaky skin gene expression might also affect scalp behavior quite hilariously bumpy enough the receiver would undergo shock and awe depending on the distinctiveness of the scalp’s presentation. Furthermore, consult an expert on this type of gene inheritance.


Parents are oftentimes concerned about their children’s height growth after reaching maturity age. Standing in front of them sometimes triggers a sense that ‘if I can’t stand my ground here as someone who brought you into the world then where?’ But take heart and rest easy for if heights were exclusive characteristics expressible through genetics; everyone would be have been taller than they truly are currently. It’s not just one or two genes that influence this – it’s many!

While he/she may end up shorter or taller than most, there’s really no way to know what height your child will ultimately reach without performing bone density tests early enough which makes impromptu measurements delivered by parents insufficiently representative.


It is expected that during those formative years at adolescence – before being broken by life events like first day of high school, very persistent acne breakout with flamboyant features displayed prominently throughout the face topography etc- faces tend to evolve gradually till they settle down into something more permanent around adulthood.

Certain facial traits seem to run in families – such as nose shape or cheekbone structure – so chances are good he/she will end up looking somewhat similar to one parent over another . However some critical differences could still exist between family members provided other possible factors influencing time progression didn’t come into play An example being excessive smartphone usage and its impact on posture leading further bad outcomes such as eyesight issues from poor sitting jobs stance causing spinal cord damage leading palatable changes with dramatic effects spreading throughout body systems transforming all organs , tissues and also visible changes manifested on facial muscles

Then again every person has unique features, so who knows what sort of mug he/she might end up with? Maybe no apples by cheekbones whatsoever but melons instead! You heard it here first: There yet exists anatomical genius’ who would vow on this.

Body type

Certain families tend towards certain body types. The same way a family could have high cheekbones running in the background so too can height, body mass index and overall physique be influenced genetically. That isn’t to say he/she’s guaranteed to pack on the pounds like Aunt Sheila or grow up with an athlete’s frame – environmental factors will influence growth substantially over time as well: nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle choices being undebatable facts which contribute greatly to shaping one’s adult image .

Of course, with all that said… genetics don’t always work out as expected!

Miscellaneous traits

There are plenty of genetic quirks that don’t fit neatly into any specific category from foot shape (who doesn’t love webbed toes!), having almost translucent skin (imagine your child becoming invisible by 2050 which is also clearly impossible) or hair growing on various parts of someone’s ears.

Mockery aside, humans turn out looking really different for all sorts of reasons some predictable others hidden deep within DNA sequences yet undiscovered because we still can’t find where those damn genes lie– just make peace and pay attention mostly in order not avoid occupying valuable brain spaces unsettling ‘what if’ scenarios probably science fiction actually eventualities


In conclusion, predicting what kind of adult each unique child will become is essentially impossible – though it won’t stop us from trying anyways . There are tons of variables at play when it comes to trait inheritance, and there’s no guaranteeing how environmental changes might affect development over time.

One thing we do know for sure? You’ve got a great kid! And that innate joie de vivre should never be taken away nor diminished by trivia such as looks appropriation which ultimately shouldn’t even matter . Enjoy their unique personalities now while they’re young; leave worrying about their precarious future selves until much later when circumstances beg for it .

Remember, your child’s future is bright no matter what they look like!

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