What to eat when you re throwing up?

There’s nothing worse than feeling sick to your stomach and not being able to keep any food down. So, what do you eat when everything coming up? Let us guide you through some of the best foods and drinks that can help settle your tummy.

Why It’s Important to Eat When You’re Nauseous

Before we dive into the good stuff, let’s first understand why it’s important to try and eat something when you are throwing up. Vomiting is an unpleasant side effect of various ailments such as a viral infection or motion sickness. But consuming nutritious food during this time still helps nourish the body with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein – strengthening its immune system in turn.

Your body loses fluids every time you vomit; these fluids should be replenished by drinking plenty of water at room temperature or clear fluids after each bout of vomiting subsides.

The trick is choosing bland yet nutritious foods that won’t upset an already vulnerable stomach; favorites like ice cream, pizza & beer aren’t really options for now!

That said,let’s jump straight into meal ideas!

Foods To Ease Your Stomach

  • Bland starches
    Boring cereals like Rice Krispies or Cream Of Wheat without sugar added ideally in warm milk can become staples until digestion improves.
    Saltine crackers plain toast provide carbohydrates which convert easily into energy for your weakened-body).
    Boiled potatoes/sweet potato wedges (keep ’em warm)
    Water-dense grains such as oatmeal/pasta/rice/quinoa . Coupling rice with chicken soup gives an adequate balance between proteins-carbohydrates-electrolytes-water
  • Soups
    Broths/chicken noodle soup/vegetable soups made soba noodles ready-made soups many grocery stores stock reasonably priced low-sodium broths primed for those concerned by the sodium content often found in commercially available broth.
  • Fruits
    Bananas small portions of applesauce & very ripe bananas(1) can provide needed minerals like potassium, and natural sugars which get absorbed into your bloodstream quickly instead of remaining unused to fuel specific metabolic (energy) processes.
  • Herbal teas
    Ginger tea, chamomile or peppermint are known for their effectiveness at counteracting nausea – with herbal supplements/capsules also available if required.

What To Drink When Throwing Up

Drinking fluids is significant; it keeps dehydration from worsening while ensuring proper musculature function/ heart activity. Certain beverages can help reduce symptoms but don’t overdo it as all should be had in moderation.

Ideas Include:

  • Ginger ale
    Small sips will decrease nausea due to gingerol present in ginger an active component helpful at reducing spasms within the digestive tract.
  • Coconut water
    Rich In Electrolytes similar to energy drinks/coconut flesh near-common fruit juice brands)
  • Water
    Water doesn’t have any sugar/sodium prevents compounded dehydration when you’re throwing up remove bubbles by pouring between containers,
    Better carbonated mineral/sparkling waters with no artificial sweeteners than soda / other sugary beverages unless there’s a high fever causing you to sweat extensively.

Foods/ Drinks To Avoid When Vomiting

Although bland food IS key no need to abstain completely rather than focus on quality/ease-digestion-style foods/drinks that still address necessary nutritional requirements without risking further inflammation/stress/gastrointestinal distress 2).
Otherwise steer clear of:
spicy/fried how we wish these bad boys were good during times like this!)/processed/milk products/citrusy /cooked vegetables/ caffeinated drinks/alcohol/chocolate/high-fat and fried foods (did someone say Cheesy fries? How heartbreaking!)


When dealing with vomiting, it is crucial not to panic; keep calm and focused on your health. Be wary of food/product choices while keeping in mind that blandness/nutrition/digestion support are the ultimate metrics. Always consult with a physician who can diagnose conditions or offer therapy options for issues surrounding nausea/vomiting.

With recovery time looming and fresh breadcrumbs waiting at the ready-rest assured! These items – from oatmeal to Chicken Pesto – can be added as building blocks to ultimately stronger immune systems.
Just concentrate on small meals every few hours marking a successful journey back to food-dom!

Let us hope this list provides relief & humor-wise laughs!

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