What to eat when you have diverticulitis flare up?

Diverticulitis can be an unpleasant experience, but thankfully there are a few things that you can do to manage the symptoms. One of these things is changing your diet. Incorporating certain foods into your diet while avoiding others can help alleviate and prevent flare-ups.

Understanding Diverticular Disease

To better understand how our dietary choices impact diverticulitis, we first need to understand what the disease is all about.

What Is Diverticular Disease?

It’s essentially a condition where small pockets (diverticula) form in the lining of your large intestine. These little dudes aren’t problematic when they’re chilling out, but if any particles get stuck in them, it causes infection and inflammation (that nasty thing called diverticulitis).

Symptoms Of A Flare-Up

  • Abdominal pain or cramps
  • Bloating and gas
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea and vomiting

Knowing this should remind us all not to mess around with issues inside our bodies!

Foods To Avoid During A Flare-Up

Your food intake heavily affects how bad (or good) a flare-up will be for you! Some foods make existing inflammation worse – avoid these like pirates avoid scurvy! Here are some edibles that fall under this category:

1 – High-Fiber Foods

Sorry folks — those leafy greens, nuts, seeds or whole-grain bread/pasta could only worsen the situation ! While fiber-heavy diets usually go hand-in-hand with sound health habits — they tend to exacerbate diarrhea when experiencing a flair up .Foods containing high amounts of fiber include almonds, raspberries , whole wheat pasta, etc

2 – Red Meat & Processed Meat

You hate us for saying this BUT consuming red meat and processed meat during a flare-up can trigger the symptoms to take on a gorilla-sized turn. The digestive system has an extremely tough time processing these types of protein. It’s best to avail yourself of options like tofu, beans or legumes, which surprisingly are beneficial.

3 – Spices And Spice Heavy Dishes

Sometimes delicious spices backfire and hurt you more than good .They inflame bowel-related diseases making them feel flame-tongued! Using spices in moderation is essential if you’re not too enthused about spending your day feeling pain in your belly!

Foods To Eat During A Flare-Up

Okay, now that we know what NOT to eat — let’s focus on prodigious things that CAN be digested without any side effects when dealing with diverticulitis:

1- Packed-With-Protein Food Magnificent Seven

These wonderful sources of protein may help for the shooting stomach ache !Include seven servings daily , spreading it out over intervals where possible:

Item                |Amount
------------------- |-------------------------- |
Greek Yogurt        |One Serving (6 oz container) 
Chicken (boneless,s| Three Ounces   
Tuna                |Three Ounces       
Lentils             |Half Cup Cooked

Turkey |

Have one egg (hard-boiled / poached )

2 – Have Some Liquids Other Than Water

Had enough water? There exist other non-diary alternatives such as almond milk, soy milk etc; try swapping regular milk with some of these beverages – they likewise have extra nutrients which play well !

3 – Add Low Fiber Fruits + Veggies To Your Meal Plan

Choosing veggies and fruits wisely lessens irritation from pre-existing inflammation: Eat soft-cooked vegetables like zucchini, squash and green beans for easier digestion condition. Here are some low-fiber produce that are gentler on the gut:

Item                |  Quantity     |
Spaghetti Squash (bake for tenderness) | one cup        
Canned Beets                         |half Cup          
  Applesauce                          |Half Cup

Banana |One Large
Honeydew Melon |

4 – Breakfast Solutions To Eggs!

Sometimes eggs only create a bigger boiling pot of symptoms. We can’t sacrifice breakfast though , all we need is wheat and oat bran cereal, English muffins or bagels with hummus, smoothie with almond milk – any carbohydrate rich meal coupled with protein sources could decidedly ease us out during tough times.

Foods For Daily Diverticulitis Prevention

1 – Raspberries And Blueberries

Most berries are stuffed to the brim with anti-oxidants which help control inflammation in your colon . Raspberry season falls from May through September so it’s time to get stocked!

2 – Drink Your Tea

Tea addicts will love this flavorful alternative knowing that our daily brew has its own way of controlling inflammation .

Can’t bear fruity tea? Opt for green tea– bonus points given on upping water intake while doing so!

3 – More Options To Consume Fish!

Salmon and other white fish oil supplements hold crucial Omega-3 fatty acids that do wonders for bowel-related problems such as divertiticulits by minimizing inflammation. This is particularly useful if you’re ever going past moderate levels of diet changes specific to those suffering from this disease.

As always guys consult your medical provider before including drastic changes into your daily routine:+1:

Tips On Living With Diverticulitis & Enjoying Food:

You don’t have to restrict yourself specifically when avoiding certain edibles because there are still quite several meals you can enjoy even during symptom periods .

1 – Go For Its Alternative

Craving a burger? Use fish as an alternative for beef. Sautéed mushrooms are also ideal replacements in Italian dishes, while zucchini noodles can substitute wheat pasta.

2 – Cooking Methods

Baking, steaming or roasting could replace frying during the symptom period since frying usually heightens irritation and inflammation. Use seasonings sparingly to avoid irritation.

3 – Try Talking To A Nutritionist

Half of the stress from any diet usually comes with worrying over meal plans! Sorting out nutritional dilemmas when you already have a medical condition is no small feat thus conversations with nutritionists could go a long way into clearing uncertainties!

Final Thoughts

We’ve covered loads on what foods to steer clear from along with those we should indulge in during rough periods induced by this ailment . With so much information at our fingertips it’s now time for former meals that would trigger us more harm than good to be left back: Don’t hesitate enjoying scrumptious food even if discomfort issues lie ahead – just look deeply into alternatives available!

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