What to drink when you have a sore throat?

Have you ever experienced having a sore throat? It’s one of the most unpleasant experiences, isn’t it? All you want is for it to go away, but sometimes that might take days. While there are several remedies out there that can help manage your symptoms and soothe your throat, what you drink plays an important role too! Let’s dive in and explore what drinks have the power to ease your discomforts!

The Ultimate Soothing Drinks

When it comes down to selecting which beverages can relieve incredibly irritated throats, we’ve narrowed down our list to the following drinks.

Hot Tea with Honey

Nothing screams soothing as much as sipping on hot tea with honey when feeling under the weather! To make this drink thoroughly enjoyable, use herbal or decaffeinated tea instead of black or green tea so that caffeine does not hinder your sleep cycle. Add half a teaspoon of honey into your cup and stir until dissolved; warm liquids such as this promote effective circulation and loosen up mucus build-up in the airways.

Ginger Tea

Ginger Root has long been known for its healing properties -it fights off inflammation-, ginger roots have been used in traditional medicine since forever. A study from 2013 suggests drinking fresh ginger root tea had successful outcomes relieving oral infections thanks to its anti-inflammatory qualities among other benefits. Boil water then combine sliced ginger imbibed inside for ten minutes along with lemon slices.Tip: Instead of using sugar add more honey!


Chicken broth happens when chicken bones boil for hours until they soften enough so making soup simple adds many herbs like garlic which helps fight against bacteria aiding from cold-flues-relieving compounds furthermore stimulating immunity all at once.. Consuming easier-to-digest liquid nutrition goes easy on oversensitive throats.

Hot Toddy

Odds are you’ve heard about this drink before: Many people set out hot Toddies when feeling under the weather. They are made of whiskey combined with honey, water and lemon juice! It is said to be effective because it relaxes you; however larger quantities may oppose its effects.

What NOT To Drink

Meanwhile, some drinks can worsen your sore throat thus prolonging deteriorating recovery time[1]. Skip these beverages until you fully recover:


The reason why you should steer clear from any alcoholic beverage is that alcohol dehydrates your body- essential for managing hydration levels! Additionally, consuming alcohol irritates inflamed tissues in your mouth causing further inflammation; therefore hindering the healing process.

Orange Juice

Being packed with Vitamin C doesn’t necessarily mean drinking orange juice while being ill or suffering a sore throat will help relieve symptoms.OJ’s acidity makes it too harsh on ultrasensitive throats which only delays quick recovery time.Additionally high amounts of sugar found mixed in juices can increase bacterial growth escalating lousy feelings down the line as well .

Carbonated Beverages

Sodas such as coke hold tons of sugar and caffeine all acting against soda drinkers by negating their unique capabilities thru dehydration leaving them thirsty instead!

Final Thoughts

We hope we helped shed light on which drinks have beneficial ingredients suitable during painful moments; those including ginger tea -urged thanks to its inflammation reducing qualities-, broths useful for boosting immunity & hot toddies clever relaxing agents.Contact a healthcare professional if conditions worsen.Remember Good health practices maintain incredible health progress![2]

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