What to drink after hangover vomit?

We’ve all been there – waking up with a pounding headache, a churning stomach and a lingering feeling of regret from last night’s alcohol-laced adventures. You stumble out of bed and head straight for the bathroom where you pay your dues in vomit form. Now what?

The after-effects of excessive drinking can often leave us feeling like absolute garbage; however, fear not! There are some simple remedies that will quell your nausea and revitalise your body so you can get back on track.

The Science Behind Hangovers: Why Do We Feel Like Death?

Before we delve into the best drinks to consume post-hangover vomiting session, let’s take a quick look at why alcohol leaves us feeling so blurgh.

When we drink, our bodies absorb ethanol (alcohol) which passes through several organs such as our liver before entering our bloodstream. Once it reaches our brain, it interferes with chemical signals resulting in an alteration in mood and behaviour; hence everyone seems just that little bit more hilarious or sexy than usual after one too many drinks.

However, this euphoria is short-lived as alcohol reduces levels of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), causing dehydration – cue cottonmouth & headaches galore. Alcohol also causes inflammation within your body leading to an immune response meaning that you feel tired even though getting enough sleep should have left you bright-eyed instead- quite bummer since I am always ready for beauty sleep zZzz

As for hangover throwing-up sessions well…they occur due to overstimulation of gastric acid secretion coupled with inflammation in our gastrointestinal tract resulting death-inducing nausea/retching/vomiting/anything else involving stuff coming out both ends simultaneously.

Now that we have established precisely how terrible hangovers are let’s move onto some armour against them shall we…

The Best Drinks to Cure Your Hangover Vomiting Session

1. Water – Surprise! But It Works.

Probably a no brainer as the first thing that comes to mind after any drinking session is ‘gotta drink some water’. Alcohol can be incredibly dehydrating, making hangovers even worse; therefore replenishing fluids lost along with vomiting last night’s activities plays a vital role in tackling that awful feeling we have when waking up from another reckless escapade (that could be prevented by merely not drinking- but this is not one of those articles – carry on)

Remember, consuming enough water throughout your day-to-day life boosts your overall wellbeing in numerous ways including helping you feel more alert and energised.

2. Ginger Tea: Natural(ish) Form of Nausea Relief

The spicy root ginger contains compounds called gingerols which research proves help ease nausea and vomiting owing to its antioxidant properties; furthermore, it makes sense for pregnant women wanna fight morning sickness (wonder what they were doing every morning/evening/night right?) Another plus point? The taste buds love it too!

To whip up some ginger tea at home take several freshly sliced releases into boiling hot water until your perfect cuppa-that’s easy peasy lemon squeezy! Alternatively/furthermore pick up some off the shelf pre-made sachets from various brands containing optimal blend ratios of ginger and goodness knows what else.

3. Coconut Water: Hydration & Electrolytes without Too Much Sizzle

Drinking coconut juice/water as opposed to regular H20 gives a greater boost of electrolytes without being overly sugar-laden like usual sodas/gatorades etc., hence healthier bet for rehydration throughout recovery period post-partying/dancing/galloping around drunkenly aka fun touristy things people reminiscence about years later regardless of their social media photos covered by fancy dress

4. Bone Broth: Give Me the Good Stuff

Erm…sounds a little bloody savage, right? The name sounds kinda scary but apparently bone broth the ultimate cure for those nauseated hangover moments too dreadful to even mention here(TBS)- Well it is essentially just chicken/beef bones simmered in boiling water giving its infamous richness and also packed with essential nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium that your body needs; thus healing digestive symptoms during recovery.

5. Kombucha: A Fancy & Posh After Vomit Drink

Kombucha (kom-boo-chah) – The beverage of choice for trendsetters and wellness culture aficionados everywhere eye roll. But let’s give credit where credits due because kombucha carries numerous benefits such as probiotics supporting gut health whilst being fizzy alternative to help quell nagging need for soda/aspirin/ibuprofen etc., thus helping reduce inflammation while still packing a punchy taste effect unlike dull old H2O.

Bottom Line

And there you have it! Some drinks that could make your post-hangover experience more delightful than regretful (depending on what type of night you had). Remember despite all these options it’s better not to overdo the drinking or else no matter how many fancy after-vomit drinks we consume at dawn our bodies will still hate us later whether we like or not!

So don’t forget to hydrate beforehand (that one glass per alcohol consumption session rule works wonders), stock up on nutritious foods before heading out/rehydrating afterwards by following any prior tips mentioned above/below/meandering throughout this article except throwing pity parties-it won’t change anything fam…

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