What to do when you plateau losing weight?

It happens to the best of us. You’ve been diligently chipping away at those extra pounds, making healthy choices and sticking to a regular exercise routine. But then…nothing. The numbers on the scale aren’t budging, your clothes fit the same, and all your hard work seems for naught. Cue frustration and despair. Before throwing in the towel or resorting to drastic measures (we mean juice cleanses), here are some tips for breaking through that plateau.

Reassess Your Caloric Intake

When it comes down to it, weight loss is really about calories in versus calories out. If you’ve hit a wall, consider recalculation how many calories you’re consuming daily (try using an app like MyFitnessPal). It might be time to adjust that number based on changes in age or exercise habits since starting your journey.

Be Careful With Cheat Meals

While indulging in a cheat meal every once in a while can help stave off feelings of deprivation, if done unconsciously they may lead back into junk food binges undoing any progress made so far+ . Keep cheating meals structured: plan them well ahead of time and take only enough splurges justifiable by fitness goals already attained.

Change Up Your Workout Routine

Your body is smart; it adapts easily because it doesn’t want more from its resources than necessary (Hey! No offense!). In other words: doing 30 minutes on the elliptical at moderate pace before weights can halt weight loss after some period. Incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as compared with steady-state cardio will force up metabolic rate naturally thereby increasing calorie consumption during workouts over time stopping hitting plateaus + . Adding intense short rushes helps building lean muscle mass lasting longer burning fat even hours following workout stoppage++

To prevent boredom form setting in + and to get out of a rut mixing will it up with more exciting fitness routines such as cycling, swimming, dance or martial arts. Not only does this keep things interesting but it’s also target different areas inadvertently working complementary muscles.

Check Your Measurements

Don’t rely solely on the scale! While weight loss is often the ultimate goal, there are other ways to measure progress-such as inches lost, body composition changes or dress size dropping a couple notches down. Just like your workout routine might need revamping maybe trying maintaining status quo while simultaneously assessing upper-arm diameter, waist circumference and et al.

Muscles Weigh More Than Fat Yeah!

When bulking you may notice that you’re gaining pounds instead of losing them; strength training builds muscle which weighs much more than fat. It’s typical for people who incorporate weights into their program initially appear heavier until they realize those gains were actually off-set by losses from high lean-fat mass attained. Keep lifting even if numbers go up slightly on the weighing machine-H5

Get Enough Sleep || & Hydration And Avoid Stress

It seems trivial + but sleeper hold wins championship belts (this cliche surely tics some boxes): make sure to catch plenty of Zs because fatigue could be holding back those results (minimum recommended sleep duration is 7 hours per day)#+ . Chronic stress releases cortisol hormone triggering internal defense mechanisms making metabolization harder resulting in quick storage+&= Unless you willingly mind adding food directly into love handles reserving time daily relieving worry through peaceful pursuits hhhh+

Staying hydrated can help too_: drinking plenty water aids metabolism therefore increasing calorie incineration whilst decreasing snacking from hungerlessness++. The oft-recommended eight glasses-per-day-maximum rule-of-thumb-but-not-literally though; nothing wrong exceeding that number!

Be Patient (It’s Worth It!)

Rome wasn’t built in a day neither is extensive weight loss. All good things come through to those who wait as results may take time, so patience and persistence shall pay off in the end (Besides nobody ever got anywhere by quitting)^^.

Cheat Smartly

Indulging your cravings or occasional splurges could do wonders psychologically, ensuring long-term success as long it’s done within moderation-+. Do not compensate afterward by cutting back on calories excessively but remain focused on fitness goals +#.

Drink Green Tea Often

Keep your taste buds quenched with this bitter refreshment while possibly helping to improve metabolism too! A combination of caffeine and catechins found naturally in its leaves allegedly help mobilizing body fats for use hence swift burning+h++. For most effective complexation devour 3-4 cups daily along with regular gym routines.

Find Accountability Buddy (Buddies)

It’s human nature wanting having companionship offers encouraging keeping up resilient mood whilst regularly exercising #^. Joining groups, participating challenges like friendly competitions or counting steps taken via wearable trackers can provide ample support required +#.

Action Items Tips to Reach Your Goals
Recalculate Your Calories Use MyFitnessPal
Switch Up Your Workouts Add HIIT sessions
Try new exercises
Check progress beyond just weight
Cut Yourself Some Slack
Get Enough Sleep && Hydration
Be Patient
Drink Green Tea
Find An Accountability Partner

## Conclusion

Hitting plateaus during your health journey happens frequently so don’t beat yourself over it. Take solace knowing that you’re trying enough and getting closer towards aiming target everyday. Making small changes helps putting the scale downwards but changing old habits does require sustained effort when everything stalls. Don’t let frustration get in the way of your well-being, by following abovementioned idea you’ll soon be breaking through a slow point plateau and zooming towards fresh progress.

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