What to do when you get an allergic reaction?

Ah, allergies! How they plague us with their itches and rashes. But fear not, dear reader! For I have prepared a guide on what to do when your body decides to freak out over pollen, peanuts or other allergens.

First things first: Identify the source

You can’t treat something if you don’t know what’s causing it. So the moment you start experiencing symptoms, try to remember what you ate or touched that might have triggered them.

  • Was it that new cream you put on your face?
  • The cat at your friend’s house?
  • That suspiciously nutty chocolate bar?

Take notes if needed. Your future (itch-free) self will thank you for it.

Don’t scratch!

I repeat: DO NOT SCRATCH THAT RASH! As tempting as it may be, scratching only makes things worse by spreading the allergen and damaging your skin further.


  1. Apply cold compresses or take a cool shower/bath.
  2. Use moisturizer or topical creams approved for allergies (ask your pharmacist).
  3. Wear loose clothing made of breathable materials like cotton.
  4. Distract yourself with activities that won’t require hand-to-skin contact: reading a book (with gloves on); baking cookies (with oven mitts up to your elbows); playing guitar (using a plectrum instead of bare fingers).

Consider taking antihistamines

Antihistamines are drugs that block histamine receptors in our bodies – which translates into less itching/swelling/redness/etc.

There are several types of antihistamines available both over-the-counter and with prescription:

Type of antihistamine Examples
First-generation Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Chlorpheniramine
Second-generation Cetirizine (Zyrtec), Loratadine (Claritin), Fexofenadine (Allegra)
Prescription-strength Levocetirizine (Xyzal), Desloratadine (Clarinex)

Which one to use depends on various factors such as age, medical history and the severity of your allergic reaction. Always consult with a doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication.

Can steroids help?

Yes! But we’re talking about topical steroids here – creams, ointments or lotions applied directly on the skin.

Steroids work by reducing inflammation caused by an allergic reaction. They come in different strengths according to prescription; some can be purchased over-the-counter while others require a doctor’s authorization.

If you have recurring allergy symptoms that affect large areas of your body for more than two weeks, consider seeing a dermatologist who can prescribe stronger topical treatment if needed.

Know when to seek professional help

Most allergies are easily treatable with the above methods – especially if caught early. However, there are situations where you shouldn’t wait and rush straight to the ER:

  • Severe anaphylaxis: This is when your immune system goes into overdrive reacting to an allergen and causes breathing difficulties, rapid pulse, fainting or shock.
  • Swollen lips/tongue/throat: These indicate serious swelling that could obstruct airways.
  • Multiple symptoms at once: If you experience not only rashes but also stomach cramps/vomiting/nausea or diarrhea/fever/chills/etc., it might mean a systemic response that requires immediate attention.

Don’t take chances with these scenarios – call emergency services immediately!

Avoiding future allergies

Prevention is key! By identifying allergens beforehand and avoiding contact with them whenever possible, you’ll save yourself lots of trouble down the line. Some tips:

  • Keep your house clean and dust-free.
  • Use hypoallergenic products on your skin/lips/hair.
  • Wear protective gear (face masks, gloves) if exposed to potential allergens
  • Get allergy tests done as soon as possible.

Knowledge is power! The more you know about your allergies and how they affect you, the better prepared you’ll be to face them in the future.

Don’t let allergies win!

Allergies can be a nuisance but they don’t have to control your life. Armed with this guide, some witty humor and maybe a bottle of antihistamines, see those rashes and itches run back where they came from – begging for mercy!

Stay safe, stay informed and never give up hope!

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