What to do when we get vomiting sensation?

If you are an avid foodie like me or a professional alcohol enthusiast, then chances are that you have experienced the ghastly sensation of vomiting at least once in your life. Whether it’s because of some bad sushi or too many keg stands, throwing up is never a pleasant experience – unless you’re Dennis the Menace and think it’s hilarious to see people heave chunks.

But fear not my fellow pukers! Today we’re going to talk about everything related to vomiting sensations, including what causes them and how to deal with them when they strike.

What Causes Vomiting Sensations?

Before we dive into solutions, let’s take a moment to understand why our bodies react this way. According to medical experts (I Googled it), there could be numerous reasons behind vomiting sensations such as:

Food Poisoning

If your last meal was from dubious street vendors or tried some new exotic dish which turned out ‘exotic’ indeed turning all those who consumed into amateurs Nolan Ryan replicas, feeling nauseous could likely follow. In cases like these, it is imperative that you drink lots of fluids – preferably sports drinks containing electrolytes – and seek medical attention if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours.

Motion Sickness

Some may feel woozy while travelling long distances by vehicle specially boats/ferries where one cannot walk around freely due to limited space; I mean come on how much fun can frisbee on deck gets after half-hour? So one starts feeling queasy after staring blankly out onto their reflection in ocean waters for an hour straight- blame gravity set up against them-I guess!

Those suffering motion sickness should make sure they focus their gaze on something fixed (optimal options include yourself in mirror) and breathe deeply through nose aiming exhale mouth midships off stern keeping head beside the waterline.

Fear or Stress

Feeling nauseous when in panic mode is a common sign of anxiety. Whether it be public speaking, meeting your spouse’s family for the first time, or realizing that you accidentally sent a private message through the workgroup Slack channel- The worry could cause puking sensations.

To prevent this from happening, try some deep breathing exercises (insert yoga emoji here) or ask yourself if it will even matter five years down the line. I bet all those times you thought were serious disasters do not seem as catastrophic now (wink wink).

Ways To Deal With Puking Sensations

Despite our best efforts to stay healthy and calm, vomiting still occurs like Britney Cheetos meltdown 2007! In situations where we are on verge of hump chunder-town express follow these tips:

Drink Water

Staying hydrated is essential for flushing out toxins and re-nourishing body after losing important fluids due to expulsion through pathetic emesis attempts.
In case one cannot hold plain water down – add lemon with salt which helps replace lost electrolytes.

Avoid Alcohol And Caffeine

For next few hours avoid anything containing alcohol; No beer/tequila shots yet binge-watch “Breaking Bad” finale but preferably do without Mary popping pills experience rather enjoy coffee-free morning.

Consume Ginger Or Chamomile Tea

Ginger has been found suitable for reducing bloating and nausea while chamomile tea calms an anxious GI system; So consume them before throwing away last night’s leftovers like bad ex-flames!

Try Acupressure/Nausea Bands

Some claim relief by applying pressure at precise spots throughout body (according wonderful internet)-special bracelets designed keep acupoint against wrist might prove helpful too though science isn’t clear about how they actually function so don’t have unrealistic expectations thinking magic Band will transform you into Usain Bolt.


For severe cases, medications over the counter or prescribed by doctors may be administered. Antacids help settle stomach acids while anti-nausea drugs are general go-to solution used for motion sickness.

When To Visit The Doctor

When vomiting sensations refuse to subside despite all attempts and persist longer than 24 hours; this could pose serious health concerns requiring immediate medical attention. Other symptoms like constant fever with abdominal distention and black stools are also indications of something more serious than eating a sketchy burger from that weird truck you saw behind alley last night.

So there you have it, folks! This guide on dealing with the nerve-wracking experience of throwing up is guaranteed to come in handy- even those who didn’t bother revising their biology class notes can do without embarrassment:
Stay hydrated, Avoid eatables that might end-up causing trouble, Limit caffeine/alcohol intake ,and lastly – Trust your body (you hardly ever get doing puking too soon).

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