What to do if you have food poisoning?

Food is a source of joy, but when it makes us sick, oh boy! Food poisoning can turn your life upside down. You might feel like puking your guts out, and that’s not pleasant for anyone. Luckily there are ways to get over the hump so you can enjoy good tasting food again.

Step One: Assess Your Symptoms

Is it really food poisoning or did you just overdo it during brunch? It’s important to differentiate in order to take proper action.

  • Common symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Additional symptoms may include fever, abdominal pain or cramping.

If these symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or worsen after initial onset seek medical attention immediately – this could be indicative of a more serious matter such as e.coli!

Step Two: Hydration Station

When you go through something rough like food poisoning hydration becomes incredibly important. Have water with electrolytes blessed up while avoiding sugary drinks that can upset digestion further (I’m looking at you Gatorade). Fun fact: Coconut oil works wonders in soothing dehydration caused by sickness because its low molecular weight allows easy absorption without straining your digestive system.

A hydrated body provides inner harmony like nobody’s business so even if all else fails make sure sipping on fluids is done right and often.

Step Three: Rest

You don’t need me telling ya’ sleeping cures everything (seriously),- especially sleep deprivation from having unpleasant stomach sensations all night long. A rested mind = a rested body; therefore give yourself an ample amount of time each day devoted solely towards sleep

Shouldering unnecessary responsibilities never helps recovery rather inserting oneself into comfort wars aka binge watching Netflix from bed (yes please!) will alleviate anxiety seen constantly throughout daily life juxtaposed by sitting still (or lying down) acting humans potential salvation!

Step Four: Dietary Considerations

When you can stomach food again, eat the right things. I’m not gonna lie and say kimchi cures everything (even though in my heart it comes pretty darn close), the truth is there are certain foods that will offer more comfort to your guts than others.

Stick with bland, easy-to-digest items such as:

  • Rice
  • Bananas
  • Applesauce (made w/o added sugars)
  • Toast
  • Crackers

Generally speaking stick with #teambanal when picking anything edible or drinkable for a few days –essentially avoid flavour explosions!

Step Five: Natural Remedies

Mother nature has some answers, ya’ll!
I don’t know about you but sometimes western medicine and over prescribed antibiotics just sounds like an overload; so if natural remedies align then try them out says Moi.

Ginger tea – brew up 1 cup of hot water with fresh grated ginger root chunks let them sit for around five minutes whilst cooling down before sipping away! Speaking from personal experience the warmth combined with earthy tones really helps ease nausea vibes commonly affiliated within food poisoning,its even better served alongside dry crackers known for their mild taste low salt levels.

If ginger doesn’t tickle your fancy here are other helpful natural remedies :

– Peppermint oil diluted w/ carrier oil to apply topically on belly button area.
– Chamomile Tea which calms nervous system helping promote relaxation

Food Poisoning = not cool AT ALL,
but by taking into account all these tips we hope sooner rather later life shall regain balance.

So Cheers to good health..and cheers to genuinely flavourful healthy cooking & eating together’

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