What to do if a child drowns?

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death for children under the age of 5. It’s not something we like to think about, but it’s important to know what to do in case you find yourself in this situation.

Stay calm

First and foremost, DO NOT PANIC. Easier said than done, but staying calm is essential for being able to act quickly and effectively in an emergency situation. Try taking deep breaths and counting out loud, whatever helps you stay centered.

Remove from water immediately

If the child is still in the water, remove them as quickly as possible. Be cautious not to endanger any other people who may be around or get injured yourself while pulling them out.

Assess breathing

Check whether the child is breathing on their own – Place your ear close enough to their mouth & nose without physically touching his face so that you can feel their breaths passing through your ears hairs which will allow you run into your brain – then observe chest movement & signs of coughing or sputtering airway fluid whilst monitoring signs of life e.g color changes etc..

If they are not breathing:

Start CPR immediately—

First procedure
  • With youngster lying on a firm surface e.g floor (prone).
  • Position head with chin up giving room passage.
Second procedure

Then tilt baby’s’ tiny head backward just slightly by straightening neck so that it aligns at sixty degrees.

Third Procedure

Open Air passage behind throat using fingers

Step Fourth

Breathe directly into infant’s Mouth

Fifth-stage: Chest compressions

Once every five seconds give nearly twice adult breast bone pressings(duration wise).

Keep alternating between rescue breaths—breathing into their mouth—and chest compressions until medical aid arrives or until help comes along wherever you are if possible.

Call for emergency help

While one person is performing CPR, another person should immediately dial for emergency medical services. Don’t forget to give them your precise location so that the ambulance service can reach you quickly (the faster they arrive, the better).

Regularly revisit safety guidelines

Prevention is always better than cure. Even though this may seem tedious at times revisiting water safety tips timely & regularly greatly reduces chances of drowning in infants’ toddlers’ small children’s and even pets

Swimming pool
  • Designate someone or hire a life guard.
Tub bath:

Always supervise closely with minimal lapses i.e avoid being distracted by social media/devices.. they can wait

Tubs/toilets/paddling pools/muddy rainwater collectibles’:

Keep lids tightly shut when not in use

Understand  what danger zones encompass:

Buckets more then half full count, even trash cans filled with water remaining stagnant are potential hazards..

Most importantly keep vigilant about roaming unsiliconed swimming areas inform relevant authorities e.g lifeguards or police in parks/tourist resorts as dangerous gorges/swamps where case handlers get entangled underwater could be places young individuals curious & adventurous risk their lives thinking its all just play!

Stay alert! Train yourself on basic first aid procedures whilst staying informed.

At the end of it all if something goes wrong don’t blame yourself maintain positive thoughts through thick and thin… This will warrant a lot easier journey back from any incidents experienced to workable mindfulness lasting till apt time comes


Accidents happen but survival boils down resiliently pushing forward ensuring likelihood everything else falling right In place!

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