What should a weekly exercise routine consist of?

Are you tired of hearing about the importance of exercise? Same. But, my fellow couch potatoes, it’s critical to move our bodies more often than just walking to and from the fridge during commercial breaks.

Now before you get all hot and sweaty (not in a good way), I’m not saying your goal should be to look like one of those Chippendales dancers or bikini models. Unless that’s what you want, then by all means rock it!

In this article (just kidding), we’ll break down a weekly exercise routine with fun tips and tricks to make fitness feel less like torture.

The Benefits

Before we dive into creating an ideal exercise routine let’s go over some benefits:

  • Improved physical health
  • Reduced risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  • Enhanced mental well-being
  • Increased energy levels
    among other things.

As if those reasons aren’t convincing enough let me give you one more: BRAGGING RIGHTS. Who doesn’t love letting people know how many reps they did at the gym? We only have so much time on this earth – might as well spend it being awesome and sharing our success stories!

Setting Realistic Goals

The first step when starting any workout plan is setting achievable goals (sorry to disappoint ya but running ten miles every day isn’t going to happen overnight).

Here are some examples:

  • One mile jog without stopping
  • Lifting weights twice per week
  • Completing 20 push-ups without wanting to collapse (bold because…ouch)

Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Even The Rock had his first day lifting tiny-ass dumbbells (probably). Start small and build up from there.


Getting into shape is NOT an overnight thing, even though society trends would suggest otherwise.To achieve true results requires consistency,and ideally exercising three to five times per week at least.

If you are concerned about boredom, mix up different types of workouts such as cardio and kickboxing twice a week with yoga on the other days.


You know what they say, variety is the spice of life (whoever ‘they’ are clearly never tried Taco Bell). It’s common sense that if we repeatedly do the same thing over it can get dull (ugh) rather quickly.

To avoid mounting agony (OUCH!), consider alternating workouts including:

  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Swimming
    HIIT classes (High Intensity Interval Training)
  • Resistance training

One idea is to take advantage of your location – try an outdoor aerobics class one day or even swimming. Outdoor activities keep things fresh by offering different scenery than your typical dingy gym walls(that inevitably match your mood).

Setting An Exercise Schedule

Creating an exercise schedule is key for beginners (and slowly killing off any perfectionist tendencies.)

Booking in exercise slots before anything else allows you legitimize them and stick too it.More importantly, it eliminates excuses like “I don’t have time.” or “it’s daylight savings already?”

Plan out at minimum twenty minutes each session creating time blocks throughout the week perfect for incubating a consistent routine.In addition choose exercises based on personal preference,the most fun exercises give us higher chances of actually being successful in sticking to them.

Putting Together A Routine: BE CREATIVE!

This should be interesting…. gyms aren’t always necessary,routines also lack creativity.Stop performing plain monotonous routines devoid of spontaneity,craetivity ensures enjoyment but more critically adherence .

Choose two-or-more active favourites eith reasons why makes sense then incorporate into weekly routine;this reduces possibility dropping exercise entirely from plan.Adjusting some workout variables make updates easier :noticeable increases in weight during strength training sessions.alternatively change grip width instead body position which challenges different muscle groups while doing push ups.

The point is to constantly increase the difficulty and work in fun aspects. Experimenting with things like equipment, location or other dimensions can keep workouts exciting.

A Simple Routine

Here’s a simple routine that beginners could get started with:


  • 10-minute jog (baby steps!)
  • Push-ups (3 sets of 5 reps)
  • Squats (2 sets of 8 reps)


  • Rest easy tiger!


-30 minute cardio like cycling or walking

### Thursday
-Light full-body weightlifting focused on core and upper body(i.e dumbbell curls,sit ups)


  • HIIT class if up for it

During Exercise

For those days when motivation is low some tops tips during working out helps get through the challenge:
– Take breaks if necessary,you aren’t superman/woman (but ya kinda are)!

## Nutrition

We won’t go overboard here, but what we put in our bodies does play a role. After all,our muscles need fuel.Mentioned points below help make most of progress made with exercise.

To prepare eat food high enough in fruits carbs essential for maximum energy prior to workout,this includes half banana before running around neighbourhood.

Food after exercising also plays significant part;perhaps filling up on almonds instead cheeseburger no criticizing somebody else’s diet helps one attain personal goals(guts wise).

Sustaining more nutrition rich meals such as proteins should be pursued especially after working complex exercises for example resistance training , heavy lifting sessions lastly from time to time have milkshake surely earned.. right ?(Wink Wink).

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep provides opportunity for restoring strained tissue in your body and keeps cortisol at bay helping control stress levels.Aim chalk off no less than seven hours nightly.Allow the body rest period to recharge before doing it all over again.

Measure Progress

It’s essential measuring success of workout routine.Components like weight used or minutes worked-out all point in right direction .Recording what achieving makes increase adherence much easier obviously healthier overall.

Oh, I almost forgot about selfies (social media).Just kidding!Well maybe one or two just don’t start acting like a Instagram fitness influencer…


With internet culture becoming increasingly image-conscious, we must remember there are many benefits outside of physical appearance regarding working out.Regular exercise protocol helps improve heart and lung health not to mention ends up having longer lasting efffects on the mind.Once put together an enjoyable (and effective!) weekly workout routine,No harm can be done every once in awhile breaking healthy routine by indulging.Whoopee! Start making lifestyle changes spicing up ‘the daily grind’ eliminating any possibility of saying”l’m bored!” Trust us your future active self will thank you.

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