What organ system causes the onset of the menstrual cycle?

If you’re a woman or have female friends, there’s no avoiding period talk. There’s something about that time of the month that inevitably turns us all into hormonal creatures with cravings for junk food and pyjama days.

But, what causes the onset of this phenomenon? Which organ system in our body is responsible for it? Is it alien abduction?

Well worry not my dears, I’ve got answers which will simultaneously educate and entertain you!

The Before-Period Phase

Before we dive into what happens during periods let’s discuss why periods happen first (I know right – theoretically they shouldn’t even exist!).

Every month your uterus prepares its lining for pregnancy like an air hostess preparing their airplane for take-off. But when no one takes up residence on said airplane sending YOU to horrid headaches via cosmic forces – more commonly known as hormones – flips tables within your reproductive organs , much like throwing salt over ones shoulders to ward off evil spirits.

Pituitary Gland : Uterus-Communications [PCOS Disorders]

Hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone(LH) are produced by small peanut-shaped glad called Pituitary gland situated at the underside of brain.. These hormones talks to ovaries kicking off egg maturation process . Not forgotten here is Adrenal glands, also participate in producing Androgen which has considerable role play in maintaining female health especially menstrual cycle maintenance!

Once the estrogen levels hit peak point due follicles release induced LH surge causes ovulation finally leading onto next stage where; positive feedback loop activated adding progesterone secretion from Corpus Luteum(have mercy with latin names😒) facilitating more thick endometrial growth(uterine lining)!

Ovaries Problems

Sometimes, though, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis and other ovarian conditions can mess with this intricate ballet of hormones YET again playing stunts.

The Big Day – Oh no! Period Onset

So now that we’ve got a brief understanding of what happens before periods let’s discuss the actual onset.

The Uterine Environment Conundrum

When you’re about to start your period, you may feel cramps in your lower abdomen or back which is just the beginning stage of uterus environment changes -prepping for voluntary eviction notice to old uterine lining…to make space for new one eventually!

GnRH: Brain Control Room

During menstruation cycle brain signals hypothalamus region, sending out signal called Gonadotropin-releasing hormone commonly referred GnRh from our Brain’s control room requesting Pituitary glands -Pituitary gland-now hopefully becoming familiar name- reciting conversation as below –

  • Hypothalamus : “I have a message”
  • Pituitary Gland: “Go on..tell me more..”
  • Hypothalamus : “Hey Beatrice(pet name given by Mrs. Maggie Siri😒
  • Pituitary gland smirks: “oh hey….”

And voila! Officially opened communication & messages are delivered 😂
Below shown chart might give fair idea regarding such interactions happening behind curtains–

Stage Hormone Levels
Follicular phase Estrogen levels get increased than progesterone
Luteal phase Progesterone increasing than Estrogen

Now gonadotrophins FSH and LH produced due hGH surge finally leading onto next stage where follicles release ovum(egg) into fallopian tube kicking off highly lucky chain which – chance coitus leading to conception and eventually childbirth.

What happens next?

So, once the bleeding starts this means that the uterus is shedding its lining! But, why? How does it know when to do that?

The Role Of Prostaglandin

One of the most well-known facts about our period is that they’re accompanied by a whole host of delightful symptoms like cramps, headaches (sometimes) bumps and bloated tummy to name but a few!

These symptoms may seem random, but there’s actually a reason behind their grand appearance. It’s all thanks to prostaglandins – fatty acids involved in inflammation processes throughout body – sending messages triggering Uterus with sort of Eviction notice for old endometrial dead cells leading gory part of every month called “Heavenly Period”-oh yes almost forgot adding another unique sentence unto list-WOMEN BLOEDING FOR DAYS EVERY MONTH WITHOUT DYING.(our ancestors were SURVIVORS!).

Endometrium Inner Lining; Slough Off Process.

While some unlucky women have periods lasting too long extending unto weeks whereas others hardly experience anything EXCEPT minor discomforts.

Don’t want you ladies out there thinking I’ve left Gynecologists without shout-out..(my heart opens wide)

Gynaecological Care-taker OB-GYN

Ovarian cancer/Cervical Cancer screening , STI’s precautionary measures are just tip on iceberg highlighting roles played by OBGYN crew collectively ensuring upkeep about female reproductive health otherwise how would we coordinate things!
Finally yet importantly reminder here:Female Reproductive organs go through lot in just span few weeks if dealt within any unusual or excessive pain make sure get them checked & reach out fro medical help immediately-

Joanna Pacula once amusingly quoted:

“I’m not feeling very well – I need a doctor immediately. Ring the nearest golf course.”

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