What not to eat with pulmonary hypertension?

Living with pulmonary hypertension can be quite challenging. One of the ways to keep this condition under control is by eating a healthy and balanced diet. However, some foods may not be friendly to those suffering from pulmonary hypertension.

If you are tired of reading long articles about what you should eat, then look no further! This article will focus on foods that are not recommended for people diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.

Salt: The Enemy Within

Ah, salt! Our beloved seasoning partner in every dish we make! But did you know that salt can affect your blood pressure levels? Yes, it’s true! Salt intake increases water retention, which leads to high blood volume in the bloodstream.

People diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension should avoid salty foods as much as possible because consuming too much salt-based food such as bacon or cheese can worsen their symptoms. High sodium diets increase heart failure risks and there is nothing funny about that!

Pro Tip: You might want to think twice before dipping your chips or French fries into ketchup or any other types of sauce as they tend to contain high amounts of sodium.

Say No To Fried And Fast-Foods

It’s always tempting to go out and treat ourselves after getting through a tough week at work but fried food places like KFC and McDonald’s shouldn’t be at the top of our list if we have been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension (PH).

Fast food chains offer burgers loaded in fat and calories; thereby increasing blood pressure rates among individuals who add these crispy bites regularly without considering its negative effects on their cardiovascular health.

From burger buns made entirely from refined wheat flour contributing nothing but extra sugar load into our body keeping away processed snacks could help reduce one’s chances against cardiac disease development except when done in moderation – like once per moon mission!

Carbonated Drinks Are A Big No-No

Soft drinks, energy drinks, and sweetened fruit punches have become a daily staple in our lives. Besides being loaded with sugar, these beverages also contain high levels of caffeine which can lead to dehydration.

While caffeine isn’t entirely bad for your health, the amount present in some carbonated/drinks as well as other drinks like tea or coffee could have adverse effects on those with PH; increasing palpitations and anxiety among them.

Bottom-line: Avoid all types of fizzy drinks if you are diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. Drinking more than two cups of tea or coffee per day is also not recommended.

Skip The Red Meat

We all love a good steak now and then. However, red meat contains saturated fats that may clog up arteries leading to heart diseases and eventually causing Pulmonary Hypertension symptoms to worsen.

If someone experiences any breathing-related discomfort immediately after consuming red meat (or any fatty food), they should visit their pulmonologist for further advice on how best they can adjust their diet – unless you want to stick around dry cleaning bills quite often.

But wait! There’s even worse news: Cold cuts stuffed in sandwiches might be an easy choice but most likely increase the risk factor between a salivating session or treating fatigue brought along by symptomatic episodes encountered during everyday tasks!

Consume Alcohol Wisely

Drinking alcohol raises blood pressure rates prompting your cardiovascular system into overdrive mode meaning it has higher chances of worsening individuals who are predisposed towards developing Pulmonary Hypertension already due strictly controlled reasons such as inherited genes carrying certain mutations making one more susceptible while others not despite identical exposures.Limiting alcoholic intake at parties will undoubtedly aid keeping splurges away from magnifying existing problems – no doubt!


Living with pulmonary hypertension struggles may seem overwhelming at times but developing healthy habits can reduce its impact significantly.

To Sum Up These Are Certain Foods And Drinks That Should Be Averted:

  • Salty foods
  • Fried food (in excess)
  • Processed snacks
  • Carbonated/Sugary drinks
  • Red meats and fatty cuts of meat/processed cold cuts.
    It’s essential to make mindful choices when preparing meals, knowing which ingredients they contain. The cooking methods used could also impact how well or poorly we’re digesting food, so keeping these tips in mind seems worth the try!

So let’s put on our game faces and take an active role in managing pulmonary hypertension by maintaining a balanced diet. Remember: eating healthy is fun only until one forgets that moderation is key – just like everything else kinda!

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