What medications can cause tinnitus?

Are you constantly hearing a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in your ears that nobody else can hear? Do you feel like you’re stuck inside an alarm clock even though there’s no actual clock around? Congratulations – you might have tinnitus!

Tinnitus is a condition where the person hears sounds without any external source. While it’s typically associated with old age and ear damage, it can also be caused by various medications. Keep reading to find out which medications might cause tinnitus!

The Basics of Tinnitus

Before we dive deep into the medication aspect of tinnitus, let’s go over some basic information first.

1.What exactly is Tinnitus?
According to NIH (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders), “Tinnituses are noises heard in one or both ears when there is no outside:
a) Aids – Typically affects 10% adults aged-65+
b) More common among male population
c) Could be due to head degradation as well but mostly related to aging.

  1. Symptoms?

Besides hearing phantom sounds such as ringing, buzzing, roaring sound with rhythm increase insomnia,
fatigue ,memory Issues etc are its other symptoms .

  1. Causes:

When Ears’ hair cells degrade due various reasons Electrical signals sent via auditory nerves get confused leading to noise Hearings.This could happen due loud Noise exposire., Wax build ups , Ear infections & injuries .

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s talk about how certain medicines act as catalysts for those annoying phantom sounds,


Ototoxicity refers basically means anything toxic (medications or chemicals like alcohol ) damaging from exposure affecting our nervous system responsible for our balance,movements & sensations including listening capabilities at times further leading us towards severe conditions by causing partial/full deafness . Medicine such as

  1. NSAIDS :
    these can lead to tinnitus sensations and gradual hearing loss if taken on a regular basis.

  2. Aspirin
    taking more than required amount could elevate a condition called salicylism causing ringing sensation in the ears so much so that certain supplements with higher levels of aspirin are associated with tinnitus as well!,One needs to be careful.

  3. Diuretics
    Medications like furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide act decrease extra fluid from body can trigger Tinnitus simultaneously !

  4. Cancer Medication Chemo Therapy Drugs:

Chemotherapy medicines usually are used for cancer treatments but some chemotherapies which contain Cisplatin leads to steady damage down auditory nerves leading gradually towards partial/full deafness

Other Medications

Now lets delve deeper into other medications which have been linked at least anecdotally with instances of ototoxicity:

1.Malarial Treatments:
Quinine is taken via patients going through conditions such malaria , chloroquine etc has tendencies to cause buzzing sound in one’s ears

antibiotics also tellingly contribute acoustic sensitivity over time & example antibiotics include erythromycin,gentamicin,neomycin & vancomycin!Listening capabilities slowly come down because of its exposure over time.

3.Miscellaneous Treatment Meds:

Examples include medication salts Lithium antidepressants including amitriptyline and imipramine!, anti-anxiety ones such as clonazepam or risperidone or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) these all somehow increase chances towards amplifying conditions consisting ringing/buzzing/or annoying music inside our heads leading possibly towards sever mental depression !

That’s All Folks!
Remember apart from prescription drugs even environmental toxins combined contact ear cannals continuously damages auricular hair cells as well leading to partial hearing degradation or what people know popularly as ‘tinnitus’. Moreover, experiencing Tinnitus may be caused by something else too like side effects of certain medications but serious brain tumors or head/neck injuries could end up causing severe forms tinnitus. By being careful and taking the appropriate measures all while staying healthy you can avoid such reactions!

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