What medication is good for runny nose?

You wake up one morning with a stuffy nose, and you don’t think much of it. But then as the day goes on, your symptoms become worse. Now you can’t go 5 minutes without having to blow your nose, and everything just feels…damp.

Never fear! The medication gods have heard your cries for help! Today we’re going to be talking about what medication you need when that pesky runny nose just won’t quit.

Why is My Nose Running Like a Faucet?

Before we dive into which medicines are best for treating rhinorrhea, let’s talk about why our noses betray us like this in the first place.

There are actually quite a few things that cause sneezing and sniffling. Some common causes include:

  • A common cold (Boo!)
  • Allergies
  • Sinusitis
  • Pregnancy(!)
  • Exposure to irritants like smoke or pollution

What Happens When We Have a Runny Nose?

Okay so maybe it isn’t too hard to figure out what happens when our noses start running – but here’s some info anyway!

When something irritates the nasal passages (like allergens from pollen or dust), blood vessels in the area dilate (get bigger). This increases blood flow and inflammation (swelling).

The increased inflammation leads our typically dry nasal passages making them wetter & more moist than usual – leading to mucus production suffrage – gonna call them snot-cicles).

Grossed out yet? Don’t worry – help is on its way!

Okay Doc, Give Me That Sweet Medicine Knowledge:

Now that we know what causes rhinorrhea, let’s get down to business – what kind of over-the-counter medications should you consider if caught out by an all-out nasal assault?

Here are some suggestions for fighting back against a runny nose:

1. Antihistamines

Antihistamines can be really helpful in treating rhinitis – this is when your body’s immune system responds to allergens by releasing histamine, which causes inflammation.

Here are some common antihistamines:

  • Diphenhydramine (e.g., Benadryl)
  • Chlorpheniramine maleate (e.g, Clor-Trimeton)

Antihistamines alone are often used to combat seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Pro Tip: If you go with the Diphenhydramine know that it may make you drowsy af so avoid activities like driving or operating machinery whilst taking

2. Decongestants

Decongestants treat nasal congestion how? By narrowing blood vessels thereby reducing swelling within your nasal passages

My top picks for over-the-counter such medicines include:

  • Phenylephrine (e.g Sudafed PE)
  • Pseudoephedrine (aka da “real” sudafed)

The main noticeable side effects of decongestants is anxiety and restlessness – some people freak out on decongestants though most tolerate them just fine

3. Nasal Corticosteroids

Nasal corticosteroidsmay sound scary but they are actually one of the better medications around today for tackling the rhino-virus menace!

Prescription strength topical steroids have been shown to dramatically reduce symptoms from allergies & hay fever while minimising rebound effect once treatment finishes! Unfortunately given they require a prescription we cannot recommend any specific products.

But wait…. if corticosteroids aren’t available over-the-counter what use are they here?! Good question!

Recently certain types now exist as low-potency OTC alternatives applying regulation limits by medical bodies enabled more accessibility – .we don’t wanna name specific brands because we don’t wanna be known as advertising fluff.

Also, if you’re not happy putting sprays or drops up your nose, then maybe consider trying Montelukast instead?

4. Combination Medications

Combining more than one type of medication can have a combined benefit – clearing out rhinitis symptoms from different angles as part of the combined effort!

Common combination types include:

  • Antihistamine and decongestant
  • Steroid and antihistamine

It’s generally best to consult primary healthcare provider about which combo-medication options are best for your individual needs! But it’s usually possible that patients who do have worsening nasal-related health conditions may be required to use something stronger alongside their regular medications.

What To Look For in OTC Runny Nose Medication

Not all Over-The-Couner (OTC) medicinces created equal when seeking out solutions against nasty runnign noses. When reseraching you’ll want to look out for these checkboxes on medicine packaging (An all-round cure is always elusive but any relief matters):

  • Non-drowsy formulae available (if desired)
  • Nasal congestion easing remedies – normally phenylephrine / oxymetazoline
  • Use carticosteroids sparingly given side effects.


Runny noses can leave us feeling grossed-out exhausted and quite frankly grumpy AF.So-called ‘rhinovirus’ strikes without warning leaving many unsuspecting victims quivering with worry like my little Schnauzer during thunder storms! Happily there are many over-the-counter medicines on the market today offering succor from such ailments at relatively affordable prices!
Thanks guys hope this article has “blown” away conception-based barriers regarding treating Rhino – Stay healthy folks!.

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