What is the treatment for dermatitis?

Dermatitis, a skin condition that causes redness, swelling and other unattractive symptoms on the surface of our beloved protective layer i.e. skin! Fret not, we are here with some treatments to get you back your healthy glow.

Understanding Dermatitis

Before we dive into the solutions let’s educate ourselves about what actually is dermatitis. It comes in many forms: atopic dermatitis (eczema), contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis etcetera. These various forms depend on different reasons like irritants present in a person’s environment or an allergic reaction to them.

The most common form that will be discussed here is Atopic Dermatitis as it affects children and babies more frequently than adults and washing their fake tan off can only help so much..

So basically Atopic means genetic tendency toward sensitivity developing conditions such as asthma or hay fever also puts one at risk. So if someone inherits this sensitivity usually develops eczema before age five which may improve by adolescence but sometimes persists throughout adulthood Agh nobody wants acme oily skin with acne scars AND runny nose

Now let’s discuss how to treat it:

Treatment Options

Avoid Triggers!

We know sometimes we just have sudden urges like biting our nails when nervous or reaching for snacks when bored however indulging these habits may trigger AD too closely related are ;soap!’ (especially fragranced), pets/animal dander , house dust mites(yes they literally live among us), pollen(so much for enjoying flowers) synthetic fabrics(Jackie Kennedy sorry girl!) , scratchy clothing material(rips jeans fashion trend = goodbye comfortable living!)

Our advice? Get yourself tested for irritants after all triggers differ based upon individuals then try avoiding those that come up positive instead – easy comfort over temporary cravings always wins! It’s like rather than eating that crispy chicken burger you grab some hummus instead.. same but different

Ointment to The Rescue!

The second way to treat AD is by using ointments! A natural slippery substance created by hydrocarbons which prevent water loss and protects our skin. Apply the prescribed amount onto dry patches, usually around knees or cheeks , twice daily after bath(we all can incorporate this into our self care routine – who doesn’t want a good old fashioned pamper sesh?)

Oils such as Coconut oil(do they sell these in bulk?), petroleum jelly(Vaseline brand of course)(Stock up now cause we will need it) and Vitamin B12 containing cream(buying one for your Christmas package for family abroad granted!)are great additions too.

Herbal Medicines

Thirdly use herbal medicine which are basically ancient traditional therapies used to treat various conditions before science made their appearance (thank goodness right?!) So take these with caution:

  • Chamomile
  • Liquorice root
  • Calendula lotion

Now let’s see what technological genius help dermatitis patients receive..

Phototherapy & Lasers

This is not a James Bond gadget although lasers do sound fancy; Dermatitis treatment through UV lights may sound off putting however Phototherapy & Lasers have been repeatedly proven successful in trials where light therapy has improved patient outcomes when combined with topical medications on moderate-to-severe AD lesions(yikes)

Because they are an outer layer solution naturally some side effects might be noticed including sunburn, itching, redness and even flu-like symptoms after continuous application.

Laser therapy yes ‘laser’ aka first cousin of sci-fi stuff has shown more profound effects because besides being effective during severe flare out it also keeps steroids administration at minimum!(wow dermatologists really went all out)

Topical Antibacterial Agents

Another thing AD patients can use are topical antibiotics which I KNOW makes us all freak when imagining our intestines and stuff but it’s perfectly okay on the skin!

An example is mupirocin or bacterial polymyxin B sulfate directly onto an AD lesion after cleansing to prevent secondary infections. Green light given by your healthcare professional of course.

To summarize, there are various treatments available & each one will show its effect differently per person – it’s just a matter of trial and error but hey let’s swap that stress with acceptance. With patience & determination in following whatever treatment plan suggested for you confidently flaunting those shorts during summer won’t be such a daunting experience now, will it? Wink wink!

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