What is the difference between desloratadine and loratadine?

Are you suffering from allergy symptoms? Do you find yourself constantly sneezing or rubbing your eyes like a raccoon? Then, fear not! There are numerous antihistamine medications available to help you fight against those pesky irritants. Two popular options are desloratadine and loratadine. Let’s dive in and examine the differences between these two potent compounds.

The Basics: What Are Desloratadine And Loratadine?

Before delving into their differences, let us first understand what these drugs actually do.

Desloratadine and loratadine belong to the second-generation antihistamine class – meaning they are newer than some of the earlier histamine blockers like Benadyrl (circa 1946).

An overabundance of histamine is what causes allergy symptoms such as runny nose or hives – cue deslorantidine, which helps to relieve or prevent these symptoms by blocking histamines before they can even cause problems.

Loraridone works similarly but does not work for several subtypes of Histamine receptors as well as its cousin new-gen medicine does .

Now that we’ve got our basics sorted…

Drowsiness Ladenness

One significant difference between desloaratidine and claratin, is their propensity for inducing drowsiness. The older version seems to linger around longer causing higher level of sedation whereas it’s younger more agile relative tends to part with this baggage quicker.2

Mechanism Of Action3

Accordingly, both medicines have different mechanisms for preventing allergies.

  • How Does Claritin Work?

    If only Crystal Ball could tell..

Type Description
Targeted Receptor H1 – Antihistamine
Activity Bioavailability when eaten is approx. 40% and strength of medication depends on the dosage amount consumed by patient
  • Desloratadine’s Mode Of Operation

    Putting ons scientists shoes, the whole thing works through preventing H1 receptors in a body from reacting to an allergic stimulus.


One might be curious: “Why are these medications always advertised during allergy season?” It’s because they’re used primarily for allergies or hay fever at two different dosage strengths.4

However, both have other medical uses as well.


This antihisimine is very versatile:
– Relief of outdoor and indoor allergy symptoms (itchy eyes etc)
– Help against skin irritations such as eczema induced itchiness
– Hay fever prevention

### Desloratatdine

Deslora has several more specific use cases than loraridone including:

  • Atopic dermatitis treatment ( inflammation related disorder )
  • Chronic urticaria suppression

If you have one of such conditions and experience intense discomfort due it scratching or itching incessantly then deslarodtmine can be your superhero-medicine.

Alas! For every advantage, there seems to exists its own pesky dilemma – with side effects looming around like eager children before Christmas morning/^[4] .

Both Claratin and Aerius too come bundled up with common short-lived ones:

Common Short Term Side Effect [:][^5]

  • Fatigue [:Uh oh! Not again!:]1
  • Dry Mouth [:No water-gargled-mouths on this medicine party night!:]1
  • Headache [:Needless aspirin pills coming right up!:]1

The list below shows some rare issues not commonly associated with using Histamine blockers but in which case you experiencing any, do not hesitate to seek your local Physician.

Rare Side Effect

  • Rash
  • Discomfort with breathing
  • Jaundice [In 0.1% of users]

Each medication has different available dosages and forms.


Between for Loratidine there are many dosage forms available: 5 mg tablets for children primarily , 10 mg oral tablets for adults and the OTC version which can be chewed or even dissolved on tongue.

(Fun note: did you know that loratadine overdoses could bring about adverse effects such as drowsiness?).


Deslorantide too has its own doses:
– A 2.5mg syrup dosage meant specifically fo children weight-dependent.
– The customary 5mg daily tablet favored commonly by physicians.

Fun fact

Did you realize that desloratadine is actually a metabolite of loratadine (aka Circafedin)? How coolies?!

Although these antihistamines have various differences like chemotype, receptor targeting etc., at the same time they also cater to similar medical issues. There isn’t wholly one superior to another – each person’s unique physiology will dictate which may work better under particular circumstances.[^7]

Loraridone tend to cause more sedation than it sis cousin antihistamine; while less drowziness inducing medicine, Desrlora in contrast appears fast acting.. So if one needs somewhat immediate relief when dealing ith hay fever outbreaks for example then this latter type might be ideal approach .

Remember though – always ensure physician consultation before consuming any sort of medication.

  1. Reference 

  2. Reference 

  3. Reference 

  4. Reference

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