What is the best women’s laxative?

Ladies, let’s talk about your bowel movements. We know it can be an uncomfortable subject, but trust us – you’re not alone. According to a survey by the American Gastroenterological Association, 34% of women reported experiencing constipation compared to only 19% of men. The good news? There are plenty of laxatives on the market that can help alleviate this unpleasant issue.

Let’s take a look at some of the best options out there:

Natural Remedies

If you prefer to avoid medication or have dietary restrictions, natural remedies may be a great solution for your toilet troubles! Some popular choices include:


Ah, yes – prunes. Although often associated with grandmas and nursing homes alike, these wrinkly fruits are packed with fiber and sorbitol which help soften stools and stimulate peristalsis (the contraction and relaxation of muscles in your digestive tract). Plus they taste pretty darn delicious!

Flaxseed Oil

Not into munching on dried fruit? Don’t worry, we’ve got another suggestion! Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to overall colon health. Add a tablespoon or two to your morning smoothie or yogurt for an easy daily dose.

Water & Exercise

Ok ok…this one isn’t exactly something you add TO your diet but hear us out. Drinking enough water throughout the day is essential for proper bodily functions including digestion AND incorporating regular exercise (even just going for walks!) helps keep things moving along down there.

As much as we love nature’s cures sometimes they simply do not cut it so here are some over-the-counter options.

Over-The-Counter Options

Looking for something stronger/more effective than natural remedies? OTC remedies might just give that push needed!

Fiber Supplements

Supplementing with fiber is a great way to add bulk to your stool and regulate bowel movements. Plus, most of these supplements dissolve easily in water making them easy to swallow (for those who struggle with pills).

Stool Softeners

If you’re experiencing dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass, then stool softeners might be the right choice for you. These work by drawing moisture into your intestines which makes your poop softer and easier to eliminate.

Saline Laxatives

Another option is saline laxatives – sounds scary but works like a charm! This type of laxative draws water from surrounding tissues into the colon; thus promoting evacuation. They act more rapidly than other types of laxatives usually just within an hour or two after intake

Prescription Medications

For some women natural remedies or OTC options simply won’t do it so their doctors prescribe medications such as:


Targeting constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C), Lubiprostone promotes fluid secretion in your intestine by activating specific channels on cells lining the gut wall thus improving movement without signaling discomfort as well.

Recent research has found gender-specific differences in gastrointestinal physiology necessitating different approaches when seeking relief including medication selection.
In conclusion, the best choice because every lady’s body differs we advise trying first a switch in diet/lifestyle before resorting any sort of medical remedy.

Good luck out there ladies – happy pooping!

Type Advantages Disadvantages
Natural Remedies Accessible & Cheaper Very few side effects
Over- The-counter Options Easily available&affordable Potential bloating/gas/abdominal discomfort if overused
Prescription Medications Usually effective Might cause severe side effects

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