What is the best treatment of keloid?

Do you want to get rid of those pesky, raised scars that just won’t go away? Well lucky for you, I’ve got some good news! We’re going to talk about the best treatment for keloids so that you can finally say goodbye to those unsightly bumps.

First things first: What exactly are keloids?

Now before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s make sure we all know what a keloid is. Essentially, it’s a type of scar tissue that forms at the site of an injury or incision. Unlike normal scars which typically fade over time and may even disappear entirely after a while (depending on severity), keloids tend to never fully disappear and have a tendency to grow beyond their original borders.

Keloids can be caused by pretty much any sort of skin trauma – from accidents and surgeries all the way down to severe acne breakouts. Sometimes they’ll flat-out appear out of nowhere with no apparent cause (seriously!). Additionally, certain ethnicities are more predisposed than others (lucky us…not)!

As someone who has struggled with these bad boys myself (#Solidarity 🤜🏽), I’m happy to share my insights on what works and what doesn’t feel like wasting your money/time/mental energy.

So without further ado…

Treatment options


This method involves “freezing” off parts 0of your unwanted excess …skin(?) using liquid nitrogen.


  • Generally not too painful
  • Quick procedure


  • Can take several treatments
  • Potential risk of scarring & hyperpigmentation

Silicone sheets/gels

Silicone sheets mimic our own skin’s natural moisture barrier in order .to reduce scars’ itchiness as well as preventing tension around elevated areas + interrupting growth.


  • Easily accessible and relatively affordable
  • Proven to reduce both size/color of keloids over time


  • Can be uncomfortable/messy
  • Must use consistently for several months in order to achieve desired effects

Steroid injections

This method utilizes corticosteroids (steroids) such as triamcinolone or Fluorouracil (5-FU).


  • One treatment is usually all that’s needed!
  • Effective for flattening out the bumpiness…


…But not necessarily improving coloration. If pigmentation is a big part of why you’re unhappy with your keloid, this may not be enough.


Unless it has already been established that you’re someone who doesn’t form excess scar tissue very often, excision surgery can sometimes result in even larger keloids forming post-op. But depending on location & severity it still might feel like the right course of action.
Since there are no guarantees when it comes to manipulating how an individual’s skin heals itself long term, discuss realistic expectations with surgeon before proceeding,
To help certain patients prevent further growth potential they may choose 2 other options first:


Tying off blood vessels supplying extra wide scars/keloids..can improve overall texture/raise/itching .

Radiation therapy

Small doses applied directly post-excision operation can decrease chances of regrowth greatly by killing off expanding cells . BUT! This option should always be discussed thoroughly beforehand – radiation therapy is not something people just whip out lightly.

See? Such hot takes; doesn’t talking about medical procedures leaving you feeling way more alive?

While these treatments listed above work for many folks (myself included!), no two bodies react identically so weigh pro/con aspects carefully if considering new regime. When considering best treatment approach(s) focus being placed upon prioritizing goal reduction potential for keloid surrounding your concern area. Consult with a licensed Dermatologist to make custom considerations based on your individualized options.


Now that you know some of the best treatment options for keloids, why not take that knowledge and run wild with it? Whether you decide to try out one of these treatments or keep rocking those scars like a boss (just cuz someone tells you they’re bad doesn’t mean YOU have to think so!), the power is in your hands.

May we all go forth confidently knowing more about manipulable skin!

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