What is temporal temperature?

So, you’re wandering around Walmart looking for a new thermometer because let’s face it, your old one has seen some things. And just when you thought there was only one type of thermometer on the market besides those weird ones that don’t even touch your skin, you come across something called a “temporal thermometer”.

You might be thinking to yourself: what in tarnation is a temporal temperature? Well, ol’ pal, sit down (if you’re not already) and buckle up because we’re about to take a deep dive into this whole temporal temperature thing.

It’s all about the temple

First off (yes another “”), let’s clarify something here: nope, it doesn’t have anything to do with time travel. Sorry if that disappoints any sci-fi enthusiasts out there.

A temporal thermometer measures body temperature through the forehead or temple area instead of inside your (shiver) mouth or beneath your arm. Wait… so you’re telling me I can get my temperature taken without having some stranger stick something under my tongue?! Sign me up!

Most modern digital thermometers use an infrared sensor to detect heat emitted by our bodies’ surface – pretty cool (pun intended) technology if ya ask me.

How does it work?

The handheld device uses two types of sensors:

  • The first detects the amount of infrared radiation emitted by our bodies.
  • The second senses where exactly on our skin’s surface levels are being measured from.

An ideal measurement spot would be at least five centimeters away from hair-covered areas since hair can interfere in accurate results – see! There actually IS reasoning behind why doctors shave small sections of our heads during surgeries!

Now comes the really impressive part- once sensors detect the correct position; lasers determine how they should precisely measure radiation accurately. All these measurements are then combined mathematically, and boom -you’ve got yourself a temperature.

Why do people love temporal thermometers?

Temporals have become super popular because they are more hygienic than their traditional alternatives which involve, you know (nudge nudge), touching things inside your mouth or umm… other places. You don’t even need to touch the person being measured either.

Plus, it is easier for parents to use on cranky small children who don’t want anything stuck in their ear or up their nose.

Another benefit of these non-contact devices is that many models come with beepers and display screens, making it pretty easy usage for adults or elderly citizens with weak eyesight; just point and shoot!

But how accurate are these bad boys?

This is where I might make some folks unhappy! Although temporal thermometers are quick and convenient(another “” here) , accuracy can never be guaranteed 100%.

While internal temperatures tend to be more stable throughout the body during an illness,temporal measurements may vary due to several factors:

  • External temperature changes
  • Sweating
  • Exposure to direct sunlight
  • Not following measurement guidelines (like being too far away from the forehead)

(I’m aware this list should end but let’s add another reason)

and yes (a sentence without “”), your inability to stand still like a statue while getting measured –tut tut.

Speaking of unstable results- sometimes taking several readings will prove useful in maintaining consistency amidst fluctuations, especially since most digital temporals lend themselves well toward storing multiple measurements taken over time. Improved technology has resulted in meaningful improvements regarding reliability as long as reasonable care during reading takes place.

Overall whilst verification across variable ages holds promising results; further research remains necessary before definitive judgements concerning medical applications involving trained personnel rely wholly on temporal thermometer data collection.

Wrap Up

So there it is, folks. Temporal thermometers are a new way of measuring temperatures without having to deal with the grossness and inconvenience of traditional methods.

Whether you’re on-board with this train or not, they remain useful devices providing an excellent alternative for those who may be sick, elderly or unable to leave their home quickly.

As with any device that has its place in medicine, consistent measurements will prove helpful when it comes down to establishing appropriate care plans throughout each unique individual case.

Until next time- stay healthy and warm!

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