What is red 40?

Red 40, the subject of conversation among food enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, has been a topic that has baffled many. This article delves into the depths of this curious substance and attempts to answer all your questions regarding what it is, where it comes from, and most importantly, why you are ingesting it.


We’ve all heard about Red 40- whether laced in our favorite candies or adding color to our beverages. But have we ever stopped and thought about its origins? What makes Red 40 such a popular food dye used worldwide but not extensively researched beforehand? Well then let me enlighten you.

The origin story

Ahem! Some say ancient civilizations used beet juice as a natural coloring agent while others point towards berries that tasted sour but could give foods an explicitly red hue. However, It wasn’t until the early decades of the twentieth century an American chemist named George A.Walters synthesized azo dyes which kick-started synthetic manufacturing processes eventually leading to production on an industrial scale including FDA-approved edible colors like Blue #1 Yellow#5 RED#33/Red #2.

In fact, did you know nearly four-fifths of commonly consumed American foods contain some artificial sweeteners like saccharin or sodium benzoate preservatives along with at least one approved food coloring agents (like tartrazine)? These crazy statistics are probably part of why people are hesitant to consume Red 40.

Name CAS Number Molecular Structure
Allura red AC 25956-17-6 (C18H14N2Na2O8S2)·3H2O
Amaranth 915-67-3 C20H11N2Na3O10S3
Brilliant Black BN 2519-30-4 C37H34N2Na2O6S
Carmoisine 3567-69-9 C20H12Cl2I4O5

A chemical breakdown

Red 40, a synthetic organic compound named Allura red AC reveals its pigmentation resides over the #1 Food Color Additive position in terms of usage worldwide whereas amaranth was banned and replaced years ago. In the US alone, it’s used to dye soda drinks totaling approximately almost one million pounds per annum.

Some people believe that Red 40 is derived from beetles (yuck!) although predominantly produced using petroleum residue gases such as benzene or solvents like TNT; mild exposure high amounts are linked with nervous system disturbances or acid refluxes contributing to IBS among other things.

The legal stance on Red 40 consumption

The FDA has long since approved of Red40, citing their extensive and unbiased research into the safety profiles of substances before they hit our shelves. However, there have been controversies surrounding this additive due to certain studies indicating possible links between the ingestion of these dyes and cancer risk specifically thyroid tumors and bladder troubles.

How much can you take?

Studies into lab rats indicate that taking nearly four times more than what ypu consume will cause abortions when pregnant is harmful / People shouldn’t take dosage higher than recommended incorporating no more than an average two teaspoons full for every pound of body weight daily. This just shows how stringent regulatory bodies regarding food regulations ought to be!

Foods containing Red 40

According to EWG which has compiled database pertaining ingredients aggregated at levels exceeding tolerance thresholds allowable by USA regulators some leads as follows:

Kid cereals

Amongst several recognizable brands including Froot Loops And Apple Jacks.
Fruit loops


Sour Patch Kids or Skittles are some of the renowned candies that contain Red 40. Please indulge cautiously, my friends.


There’s an endless list of fake punches, soft drinks and some energy beverages that use Red color #40 to improve their aesthetic appeal.


In conclusion, while there might not be a definitive answer regarding the effects of ingesting Red 40 dyes, it is important for individuals to stay informed about what goes into their bodies. While most regulatory bodies test new additives extensively before approving them for consumption in our foods/beverages,it doesn’t mean all ingredients on labels won’t have an impact upon health. As with anything else, moderation is key and always remember you can enjoy your favorite treats without adverse implications when consumed correctly!

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