What is lotrimin used for?

Are your feet itchy? Do they smell like a rat died down there? Look no further than Lotrimin to solve all of your fungal woes. This miracle ointment has been around for decades, and yet some people are still asking themselves “what is Lotrimin used for?” Fear not, my friend. In this article we will explore the ins and outs of this antifungal medication.

What is lotrimin?

Before diving into what it’s used for, let’s first understand what exactly Lotrimin is. According to every doctor out there (and by that I mean Wikipedia), Lotrimin contains ‘clotrimazole’ which is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent.

“So what does that even mean?” you might ask. Well basically it means that when you apply this stuff to any weird fungi growing on or inside your body, it’ll kill those bad boys off in no time!

The history behind the name

The origin story of the name itself is actually quite interesting. Back when marketing teams weren’t as creative as they are now, doctors at Schering-Plough were tasked with naming their new clot-busting cream.

After many nights spent brainstorming over beers and pizza in the office break room (I’m sure scientist-types had WAY too much fun back then), they decided on “Lotrominicil.” But after doing a quick Google search to see if anyone else had already claimed that ridiculous mouthful of syllables, they discovered that “Lotrimon” was available instead.

So folks–that’s how we got one word brand names; because scientists can’t think up good product titles after beer-o-clock hours.

Uses for different parts of your body

Now let’s get down to business: just WHAT IS LOTRIMIN USED FOR???? How about…EVERYTHING?! Seriously though, this stuff can be used on many different parts of your body, some of which are:


Lotrimin is most commonly known for its use in the treatment and prevention of foot fungus. If you’re one to sport athletic shoes or Taekwondo flipflops year-round (like me), then you’ve probably had an issue with stinky feet before.

The cream helps eradicate athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm that love surfacing during a hot summer day at the pool hall.

Pro-tip: Make sure you wash your socks regularly as well if you don’t want people to avoid walking behind you down long corridors in fear of passing out!


Yes folks… groin! With Lotrimin’s ability to quickly tackle crotch-rot like it was nothing more than a small scratch is somewhat miraculous. Nobody likes sweat stains near their pants zipper–it doesn’t get anymore awkward than that.Thankfully that part needs less attention now because chafing and irritation-causing fungi have met their match with Lotrimin.

It’ll keep moisture away while calming any discomfort caused by friction or heat generated from sweaty areas such as armpits too!

Scalp & Hair

If your hair has been increasingly thinner , it could be due to what we call ‘tinea capitis.’ Tinea capitis refers specifically to fungal infections on the scalp that cause patches of hair loss; yikes! Treatment involves using topical antifungal medication like Lotrimin, helping bring back vitality in affected areas quicker thanks agains killing those pesky fungi found there!

Dosage guide – how much should I use?

One tube should last about four weeks depending on usage frequency.However, follow directions their website carefully under each product since usage instructions may differ according

It’s important not overdo things here–your skin will thank us later! Over-application could lead irritated or burned skin, and that’s no fun.


It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway), do not use Lotrimin on open wounds or get too excited with application amount.

If symptoms persist after treatment be sure to hit up the doc. Also keep nail cuticles trimmed since fungus loves lurking there underneath nails… sounds lovely, right?

Things to Watch out For in some products

While most of Lotrimin can be used directly onto your feet without any issues, their face cream formulas like Lotrimin AF have different ingredients -aka urea- which could lead to eye irritation if product comes into contact a bit above its intended purpose!

In sum

In conclusion folks, if you’re feeling all sorts of weird itchiness and seeing strange discolorations on parts of your body listed here–or suspected ringworms start embracing the local wrestling team as part of their family tree–go check out some lotraminicil!! Still confused?

Remember per this article: What is Lotrimin Used For? Basically everything fungal looking; so bring forth those fungi-loving..fungal creams!

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