What is leukocytosis?

We’ve all heard of white blood cells. They’re the little warriors in our bloodstream, fighting off infections and keeping us healthy. But what happens when they go into overdrive? That’s where leukocytosis comes in. In this article, we’ll explore what leukocytosis is, what causes it, and how to treat it.

What is Leukocytosis?

Leukocytosis is a condition where your body produces too many white blood cells. Now before you start picturing armies of these little guys marching around your veins like miniature superheroes getting ready for a battle royale – hold on there! We have to keep things scientifically accurate.

White blood cells are also called leukocytes (hence the name leuko-cyto-sis). Contrary to their superhero-like qualities that we may have heard or imagined from comics/movies/TV shows; they’re not indestructible as even Superman has his Kryptonite. Unfortunately for our bio-defenders, sometimes they get overproduced; that situation leads to health concerns- enter situational comedies right here!

There are different types of white blood cells including neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes among others that function differently but work together in the ‘defense and repair’ machinery of your body system.

So basically when someone has an absurdly high count of these noble warriors beyond the limits deemed necessary by scientific standards? Congratulations Sherlock Holmes – you solved leukemia! Wait I’m sorry… LEUKOCYTOSIS!

How do You Get Leukocytosis?

If we were playing Family Feud right now,”What can cause excessive productions of White-blood-cells?” wouldn’t be at any top-list answer/win would it? It could happen naturally as without having contracted anything serious(although chances are slim), apparently- that’s just what your body wants at the moment.

However, leukocytosis is usually a sign of something else going on in your body, such as an infection or inflammation. It can also be caused by certain medications, like steroids or epinephrine (what can I say? some people do weird things for that adrenaline rush!). And although rare, it might also have ties to serious diseases such as leukemia- my apologies Marvel comics and Superman: but let’s get your act together as we come back down to Earth!


So now you know about the scientific jumbo mumbo stuff…What should really interest us are how does someone determine they’re having this high white cell count – especially without any superpower x-ray vision?

The signs and symptoms of leukocytosis will depend on the underlying cause. In some cases, individuals may not experience any noticeable symptoms at all(unacceptable! Their medical drama subplot needs more spice). However here’s a list(let me put on my Dr House attitude) :

Mild symptoms

  • Fatigue.
  • Joint pain.
  • Headaches.

Moderate-slightly severe:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Shortness of breath

#### Severe(extreme):
Seriously guys if you see…

1.Yes these decisions would be under extreme scrutiny. Someone needs to call their employer/parents/life coach/driving instructor DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY …I repeat….Immediately!

  • Rapid heart rate (this could lead to cardiac arrest).

  • Difficulty breathing(Has Steve Rogers exhaled after holding his breath for so long?

Treatment Options

In determining whether treatment for leukocytosis is necessary-because let’s face it nobody is excited about medication regimens except Sheldon Cooper; doctors take into account various factors including heath history,membership gym cards,stressors or habits that may have caused the condition. If it’s an underlying health issue, doctors will first focus on treating that!

If a particular medication is causing leukocytosis as side effect, we’ll say a quick Hasta La Pasta to the drug and try something new! Funny how some people can filter their tastes down to just two flavors but ask for more options in medical prescription…leukocytosis ain’t gonna picky eaters.

Doctors might also prescribe medications called leukapheresis(you may want to keep up with Google definition these days!) which filters excess white blood cells from the bloodstream using special machinery. It’s like rebooting your phone every time it gets too slow; except instead of electronics opting for less “white noise” through your veins.

It’s essential that individuals get frequent checkups with their doctor because often times there won’t be noticeable symptoms.Would you watch three seasons of The Office and then skip Season 4 and 5 ?


That moment in time when it finally dawns on us – no one really enjoys being sick(oh okay-pharmacy salesmen). So what are some tips to maintain healthy levels of white blood cells:

  • A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins: We know this seems straight outta Mommy blogs but homemade meals with all sorts of veggies manages %100 better than fast food chains!
  • Exercise regularly: Hmm apart from sweating heavily- exercize helps reduce stress(Technically, you’re taking vengeance against uninvited ememy stress)

### Summary

Leukocytosis occurs when there’s an abnormally large amount of white blood cells produced by our body system. Causes range from inflammation,infections or even specific drugs triggering off side-effects.Although not necessarily presenting vivid symptoms,it could lead to potential health crises.You’re always advised seek professional counsel if signs above prevails for long.Rest assured-there are medications which can help in such scenarios. That, as well as regular doctor visits, a healthy diet and exercise, are some tips to avoid experiencing leukocytosis or any other medical crisis for that matter.

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