What is essential thrombocytosis treatment?

Are you itching to know what essential thrombocytosis (ET) treatment is? Are you worried that ET could be the beginning of an early endgame for you? Do not fret as this guide got your back! In this article, we will take a lighthearted dive into what ET is and how it can be treated. So buckle up and put on your fun hats because here goes nothing!

Say Hello To My Little Platelets

Before we begin talking about treatment options, let us first shed some light on what exactly ET entails. For starters, thrombo refers to blood clots while cytosis indicates an increase in the number of cells. Therefore, when platelets – these little clotting fellows in our bloodstream – are produced by the bone marrow uncontrollably, leading to high platelet counts above 450 x 10^9/L , then voila ‘Essential Thrombocy-what?’.

The Cause Behind THE CLOT

Now since your “Hello” introduction to these tiny blood-clotters was stunning information dumped upon thine forehead like hail during a storm…You may wonder “What causes my little plated ark friends down under?” Well believe it or not (in Mulder’s voice), most cases occur as a result of mutations in the cells responsible for producing them called megakaryocytes. These mobile devices decide that overachieving with their squad goals won’t hurt people right? Wrong!! This leads us directly into discussing remedies; so don’t go Ghostbuster just yet!

Remedies As Cool As Benedict Cumberbatch

From psychotherapy sessions where they help marbles get sorted out upstairs all way through dietary changes that keep these finger-like creatures engaged, different treatments exist depending severity Of People. We’ve gone ahead compiled a few for you who’ve fallen fowl to the wrath of the platelet overlords.

Treatment Modes…All Inclusive Baby!

Medications To The Rescue

At the early stages of ET, physicians may recommend medications that help reduce blood clots or control platelet production. These include Aspirin as it helps prevent clot formation in low doses, Hydroxyurea which prevents cells from dividing and hence reduces new cell productions ,and Anagrelide whittles down said cell numbers by preventing their production.

Therapies Especially Tailored For Those Opposing Medicines

If medicines don’t sit well with you or they are not enough, worry not because other therapies such as phlebotomy (removing some blood periodically) can be used to lower your high red blood count if one has repeatedly produced surplus uninvited guests – erythrocytes. This is usually carried out before permanently allowing oneself membership into any Vampire covens.

Home Remedies No Doctor Might Recommend

By no means are these advised treatments but hey! everyone deserves a little humor in life right?!

  • Try going on vacation just like basketball stars when they retire after trials and tribulations.
  • Our grandmas were so wise y’all; turn to herbal teas which keep coughs away during flu season.
  • Lay off Alcohol e.g, drunk calling past midnight probably does nobody any significant favors.

Keeping active relieves stress calm minds.

Prevention Has Its Perks: Because Too Much Make-Up Can Ruin A Face

Prevention is always better than cure we hear them say all too oftenly..but you know what? There’s truth here too. Get this friends, since some mutations have been linked to diseases such heart attack or stroke affecting walls of our vessels internally(hypo density), it’s best to minimize as many risk factors as possible. Here are some ways to go about it:

  • Regular physical activity reduces your risk of acquiring these related diseases and reduces stress which is an enemy in itself.
  • Salt does not always mean more flavor, as a high intake causes dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds that we’d rather leave for daredevils out there hence keeping the platelet party under control.
  • Live happily because folks living positively are less likely develop ET (wink, wink).

Roll Up Your Sleeves And Get That Platelet Count Checked

We hope this guide has been informative/exciting for you. As we wrap things up here though mighty arksow users; do remember since Essential Thrombocytosis can lead other ailments or even be worsened by treatments like chemotherapy treatment,you should visit your hematologist on how best handle such.

Until then our friends…Live the most fun-filled life with nothing but joy,humor and importantly more knowledge!

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