What is classed as a high fever in adults?

As an adult, getting sick with a fever can be the worst. The headache, body aches and weakness are enough to make anyone want to curl up and disappear under the covers of their bed.

But how do you know when your fever is on another level? When should you call your doctor or head to the emergency room? We’ve got all the info you need here, just keep reading!

How Do You Know You Have a Fever?

Before we dive into what’s considered high for adults, let’s first establish some common symptoms that come with fevers so you can understand if you even have one – you never really know these days!

  • A temperature over 98.6°F (37°C)
  • Feeling hot or cold
  • Sweating and/or chills
  • Headaches
  • Body Aches
  • Weakness

If any of these sound familiar, then chances are good that you might have yourself a little fever action going on.

What Temperature is Considered ‘High’ For Adults?

A point worth noting at this juncture: different temperatures may present differently in different individuals! One person could feel terrible with 101 F while another feels fine at 103F. That being said there are ranges recognized by medical professionals:

Normal Body Temperature

The normal range for body temperature falls between approximately 97°F (36.1°C)and 99°F(37.2°C). But don’t get too comfortable yet….

Low-grade Fever

If your temp sits anywhere between 100°–102°F (38°–39°C), it’s classified as low-grade fever . It means things might not be ideal but nothing alarming enough needs addressing ASAP.

Moderate Grade Fever

At this stage things go up fast! If your tempearture hits between100.4 °F (38°C) and 104°F(40°C),you have graduated from low to moderate grade fever. Call the doctor or nurse practioner if you are a worrier or even if you’re not! It’s better safe than sorry

High-grade Fever

Ladies and gents now we start getting worried,put up an alarm…make some noise call ya mama anything because this is it!. if your temperature climbs above 104°F (40 °C), well that falls into the category of high-grade fever.

What Does a High Fever Mean?

It’s important to know that having a high fever does not always indicate something sinister might be going on medically but there may be no signifcant reason either…sometimes these things just happen. In other cases however, having such fevers could mean any or all of the following:

  • An infection including pneumonia, bronchitis and tonsillitis, among others;
  • Heatstroke or heat exhaustion in response to dehydration; which brings us back nicely full circle!
  • Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancer (pause & take several short breaths!)

In extreme medical emergencies ,life-threatening conditions such as sepsis mustn’t also be ruled out!

Basically what we’re saying is: Don’t ignore a high fever – pay attention to how long it lasts, check for other symptoms,and stay vigilant….PLUS avoid being exposed further until cleared by doctors.

How To Care For Someone Experiencing A High Fever

Being tasked with caring for someone who has experiencedan elevated body temperature can feel daunting .So here are practical tips designed especially just so you make their experience less mystifying albeit more comfortable when hooked onto them.

Please note all persons experiencing unusual health occurrence should have proper medicated intervention. If at any point sympotms don’t cease do not wait – get immediate help!

First Things First

The first course of action should be to make sure they are resting properly. The body naturally uses more energy and resources when it’s fighting a fever, which can lead to exhaustion.

They may not even have the energy to get up from bed or the couch, so just leave them where you found them unless their life is in danger!

Make sure that blankets and any other extra layers are removed as bedside. Encouragement of adequate fluids (water preferred) will help with dehydration.

Medications And Their Dosage Requirements

Different individuals respond differently to medication- I could actually start a story on bad experiences personally!

Firstly unless advised by medical care givers avoid Aspirin ibuprofen for those experiencing high fevers; instead use acetaminophen, naproxen or acetylsalicylic acid. These medications only reduce fever symptoms and do not address the underlying cause, but they offer some respite in the interim.

Medicines come with user manual typically written at one of thost spots no one bothers reading – ther side effects & dosage instructions..pretty useful knowledge though!Pay attention while administering drugs #livessave

It’s important when using antipyretics that dosages are within accepted limits:

Acetaminophen Dose Recommendations for Adults:

Waitforit…..750mg 3 times daily OR 1000 mg twice daily!!!!

Ibuprofen Dose Recommendations:

..and here’re… 600mg4 times daily!

Remember never exceed recommended doses without explicit guidance.( Don’t try justify why…)

Know When To Seek Medical Care…Pronto!

Sometimes despite ones best efforts circumstance can overtake individual effort indicated meanss prevail ! At which stage pack ya bag we off hospital ,or clinic for further assistance.#savedlivesmatter
Some specific scenarios worthy highlighting include:

  • A high fever that lasts for several days without any improvement
  • Severe headaches, body aches or other symptoms start to occur
  • High-grade fevers(104 F/ 40 C and above)!
  • Symptoms associated with dehydration (dry mouth, confusion etc…)
  • Extreme pains all over the body

Given this emergency conditions do not wait …call ya loved ones ,or neighbors maybe when you get back meet new friends!

The Importance of Prevention

Preventing infections outright might just save yourself some tears in future. When one does contract however here’re are some basic advice if followed can provide symptomatic relief:


Water is your friend guys! Drinking more water can help reduce the severity of a fever by helping lower body temperature and decrease symptoms such as headache.


Sufficient rest allows your immune system to respond aggresively& fight off disease(dont yawn,dont sniff,you know it right lol*) .

Wash Your Hands!

Keeping germs at bay should be something everyone practices daily but during times of health uncertainty its REALLY important practice hygiene.


In essence every human being out there has experiences different health manifestations.A high grade fever makes one feel terrible but, remaining calm gives room for proper assessment which generates better outcomes. It’s important to have an idea what constitutes normal versus abnormal temperatures and what actions are needed next such intimate knowledge saves lives along life’s highway.

Stay safe folks…and see y’all on the healthy side!(That sounded so southern! Minus Eastwood voice)

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