What is a full thickness burn?

Have you ever been cooking some sausages on the barbeque, and suddenly your phone goes off, causing you to look away for just one minute? You turn back around to see that the sausages are now charcoal. Poking them with a fork reveals that they’re completely burnt through.

Well, if you think about how much more than sausages we have in our bodies – organs, bones, muscles – it’s not difficult at all to imagine how dangerous full thickness burns can be!

A Brief Definition of Burns

Before delving into what a full thickness burn is specifically though, let’s define the broader concept first.

Burns occur when there’s an injury caused by heat or fire typically as well as radiation or chemicals sometimes. Blistering skin and severe pain are two classic symptoms of burns but depending on severity these could range from slight redness(Lesser Thickness) all the way up to charring-which includes Full thickness damage-to tissue underneath (See Table for differences between Lesser Thickness,and Partial/Full Thickness).

Lesser Partial Full
1st Degree Burn
2nd Degree Burn
3rd Degree Burn

As seen above,A lesser burn only really affects the epidermis(Outer/thin skin layer), partial-thickness burn affects both epidermis and dermis(thicker second layer), while full-thickness injuries, which as noted are far more serious cause harm to tissues below even destroying nerve cells often times.These last ones’re also referred medicinally as Third-degree burns(Since these were ranked in layers previously). Intense Heat exposure like immersion scalding fluids may lead directly onto any degree stretchwise.

Defining Full Thickness Burns

So what exactly sets apart a full thickness burn from those other two types mentioned earlier?

First off: It destroys the entire dermis and at times may also affect underlying muscles, bones, or even organs. Characteristically it can often be seen quite easily since the burned area would have what looks like charred skin known in medical terms as an eschar,wound remains dry with white yellowish appearance and leathery touch.Estimation of affected burn percentage is harder to determine with full thickness injuries,but usually greater coverage indicates higher mortality rates.As opposed to less severe burn categories that might leave discomfort for a short while before healing,you’ll need emergency care which results just how much damage has been done.

So if you do happen to suffer from a full-thickness injury – let’s hope never! – expect intensive treatment including potential surgery or possible rehabilitation enhancing access for corrective measures.

Causes of Full Thickness Burns

Many things could cause burns; some are relatively harmless(like being burnt due to cold or chemical fire extinguishants)while others are fatal-depending on severity levels- One concrete way these occur though? Fire!

Firesarerampant disasters normally causing amputations, long term disfigurations,infections etc. Though they oughtta containable by law enforcers such as firefighters accidents still gory scenes by themselves.Hurling oneself into water rapidly after noticing exposure might contain damages , Also avoiding flammable substances and keeping contact away from open flames reduce chances severely.

Fun fact: While most people assume fires are the leading cause of burns each year around the world over at least roughly quarter of percent other causes.Most notably liquid spillages often especially fluids used in hairdressing industry cause accidental immersion therapy gone wrong~~,#ScaryStuff

Treatment for Full Thickness Burns

Heat marks aren’t so bad indeedit promises little relief whereas anything spanning deeper layers requires specialized solutions.Recovery starts immediately once you’re safe namely pain management,stabilizing physiological status-regulating blood sugars,prescribing antibiotics where required,nutritional support among others.So what does management of full thickness entail?

Surgical Debridement

Often the first step involves getting rid of any damaged skin and tissue to prevent infection. This process is called debridement, which can provide a sterile environment for additional therapies like bandaging or grafting(fitting replacement tissues) procedures.


The post-operative stage requires the right medicines alongside wound care regimens(interventions directed towards reducing bacterial load on burn site). Pain relievers like opioids may also be given;anesthetized patients will experience painful sensations when waking up hence administered as soon they’re stable.Other medications include antibiotics might be taken orally or applied externally through creams known effective against bacteria and fungi commonly found in such premises.

Skin Grafts & Wound Dressings

Furthermore:, Transplantation can occur ,which involves taking a small amount of healthy skin from other parts of your body, then transplanting it onto the burned area.

Depending again how much trauma is involved manufacturers have various dressings available meant to shield portion wounded while providing moisture for new cells generation.After wearing out,the doctors could place fresh ones several times over course duration.Cool eh? At least something’s increasing comfort levels with its use!


At other points specialized after-therapy modalities exist sometimes providing means rebuilding affected muscle groups gradually depending on nature burns.These continue restoring strength all respectively(in occupational therapy sense),or physiotherapeutic rehab(rehabilitating Mobility).


So that’s what a full thickness burn is! Remember always avoid flammable substances where possible,bearing caution in mind e.g checking this article carefully before sharing it online(that’s not even funny!). If you do happen to suffer from one well we highlighted some essential steps earlier wanted regarding their immediate management.Most importantly though, stay safe – because there are so many things outside our control as is!

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